Empowering the next generation of public affairs professionals

The Public Affairs Professional Certificate is a joint program offered by the School of Public and International Affairs’ Department of Political Science and Grady College of Journalism’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations. This interdisciplinary certificate, one of the first of its kind offered in the nation, prepares a cohort of students who are majoring in either SPIA or Grady (or both in the case of double majors) with critical academic knowledge, practical information, and technical skills in the area of applied politics and public affairs communications. This program’s focus is to take what we have learned in political science and apply it. By engaging in real-world applications, students and faculty will be better able to generate better theory, better research that tests the theory, and better training for those who wish to work in the real world, because if you have training in both these areas, you will better be able to make predictions about political outcomes. Beginning in fall of 2016, the Certificate has offered two tracks: Applied Politics and Public Affairs Communications. The goal is to provide UGA students with a competitive advantage in the area of professional/practical politics and public affairs communications.

Applications are due on February 28, 2025 for Fall 2025 cohort. Click here for application  

Interested in a career in politics? Want to be a step ahead of others entering political careers? 

If so, then you may be an ideal candidate for the Public Affairs Professional Certificate. The Certificate delivers knowledge of the practical arenas of politics, hands-on training and experiential learning opportunities, interactions with professionals working in the field, and cutting-edge instruction from award-winning faculty.

Interested in a career in politics? Want to be a step ahead of others entering political careers? 

If so, then you may be an ideal candidate for the Public Affairs Professional Certificate. The Certificate delivers knowledge of the practical arenas of politics, hands-on training and experiential learning opportunities, interactions with professionals working in the field, and cutting-edge instruction from award-winning faculty.

The Applied Politics Certificate Track (AP)

The AP track within the new SPIA-Grady interdisciplinary certificate, will prepare SPIA students to compete effectively in the world of electoral politics (running for office, campaign management, including finance, mobilization, communications, strategy), advocacy and lobbying, polling, political consulting as a business, and political data analysis, by providing some of the critical tools and skills that will be the foundation of their professional development.

The Public Affairs Communications Track (PAC)

Grady majors who are interested in the PAC Track, which includes POLS 5030 Introduction to Applied Politics, should visit the Grady PAC page for further information that is specific to that track. SPIA majors or Grady/SPIA double majors should continue reading below. http://grady.uga.edu/pdf/PACCertificate.pdf.


Admission to the Applied Politics Track is open to majors in SPIA and Grady/SPIA majors who meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of 30 hours (including POLS 1101 Introduction to American Government)
  • Completion of a statistics course (any STAT course, MSIT 3000, BIOS 2010+L)
  • Completion of one upper-division studies course (3000 level or above) offered by either POLS or ADPR.
  • A combined grade average of a 3.2 or higher for the three required courses.
  • Submission of an essay that details the student’s interest in applied politics.

Fall Semester (9 hours)

POLS 5030 Introduction to Applied Politics (3 hours) This “Launchpad” course will introduce students to substantive issues and knowledge needed to pursue a career in politics and politically-oriented advertising and public relations. Course material will be integrated with guest lectures by a variety of practitioners from politics and public affairs.

ADPR 3860 Introduction to Public Affairs Communications (3 hours) This course describes the field and the role of public affairs and advocacy in shaping public policy, legislation, and politics. Relevant topics include politics and media, ethics, advocacy advertising, and elements of historical campaigns.

POLS 4150 Research Methods for Political Science (3 hours) This course will be taught with a dedicated Applied Politics section and will focus on helping students develop the tools necessary to engage in applied politics and applied politics research.

Spring, Summer, or next Fall Semester (4-12 hours)

Internship courses may generate anywhere from 4 to 12 hours of course credit depending on the combination of requirements utilized by the professor and student. Internships must be sponsored by the Director of the Applied Politics program and developed with the specific career interests of the student in mind.  Students may engage in an internship program affiliated with another body, however, students must register for POLS internship hours (at least 4) in order to meet the curriculum requirements for the Applied Politics track of the Public Affairs Professional Certificate.  The core courses in the Applied Politics Program should be completed before the internship portion begins, however, some exceptions may occur and will be determined by the Director of the Applied Politics. Students must meet with the Applied Politics Director in person regarding their internship and assignments prior to registering for internship hours.

How to Apply
  1. Go to the online application for either the Applied Politics Track or Grady PAC Track.
  2. Complete all required information in the online form.
  3. Check that you have completed the prerequisites and have the proper grade requirements.
  4. Submit your 250 word essay about your interests, skills, and experience in the field of Applied Politics.

Thank you to the practitioners who have shared their stories, practical career advice, and best practices in the realm of public affairs and public affairs communications, and to the professors who have shared their research and expertise in the science of politics.

(NOTE:  Affiliations are those of the practitioner at the time of their most recent visit.)

Alexa Bankert, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UGA School of Public and International Affairs
Margaret Beckley, Manager of Community Relations, Atlanta Sports Council
James Beverly, State Representative, District 143; House Minority Leader
Jaylen Black, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Planned Parenthood SE
Mallory Blount, Director of Specialty Media at the White House, Communications Director, Walker for Senate
Greg Bluestein, Political Reporter, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Ryan Bowersox, Senior Policy Analyst, Senate Research Office, Georgia State Senate
Kaitlyn Branson, Vice President of Operations, War Room Strategies
Meredith Brasher, Communications Consultant
Leanna Brown, Vice President of Business Climate & Talent Development, Metro Atlanta Chamber
Bailey Bryant, National Data Account Manager, Aristotle, Inc.
Brendan Buck, Seven Letter, Partner; NBC News Political Analyst; Former aide to US House Speakers Paul Ryan (WI-01) and John Boehner (OH-08)
Charles S. Bullock, III, Richard B. Russell Professor, University Professor of Political Science, UGA School of Public and International Affairs
Mary Carol Butterfield, Associate Producer, Fox & Friends
Chris Carr, Attorney General, State of Georgia
Joan Carr, President, Joan K. Carr Consulting; Former Chief of Staff to US Senators Zell Miller, Johnny Isakson, and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA)
Keisha Carter Brown, Public Service Partner, RaZor Solutions Group, LLC
Keegan Cardman, Staff Assistant for U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce
Carter Chapman, Communications Specialist, Governor Brian Kemp
Jordan Chinouth, President/Chief Executive Officer, War Room Strategies
Ananda Costa, Integrated Communications Representative, Skunkworks, Lockheed Martin
Shelbi Dantic, Campaign Manager, Bourdeaux for Congress
Rebecca DeHart, Executive Director, Democratic Party of Georgia, and CEO of Fair Count
Christopher Devine, Director of Budget and Appropriations at US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Andrew Dill, Director of Government Relations, Lockheed Martin
Garrison Douglas, Press Secretary, Governor Brian Kemp
Jessica Douglas, Development & Communications Director, Georgia Equality
David Dove, Executive Counsel for the Governor’s Office (GA)
Geoff Duncan, Lt. Governor, State of Georgia
Earl Ehrhart, State Representative of Georgia, District 36
Wells Ellenberg, Vice President of Communications, Southern Company
Terry England, State Representative, District 116; Chair, Appropriations Committee
Bill Evelyn, Broadcast/Video Specialist, UGA Marketing & Communications
Patrick Femia, Advisory Consultant, Deloitte
Carmen Foskey, Executive Director, Georgia Republican Party
Spencer Frye, State Representative, District 118
Jordan Fuchs, Vice President, Landmark Communications
Houston Gaines, State Representative, District 117; Applied Politics First Cohort
Jim Galloway, Senior Political Reporter, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Kristin Garrett, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UGA School of Public and International Affairs
Ben George, Catapult Consulting, former Chief of Staff for State Democratic Leader, Georgia State House
Austin Gibbons, Public Policy and Economic Development Advisor, Office of the Governor
Kelly Girtz, Mayor of Athens, Georgia
Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO, Fair Fight Action
Patrick Guthrie, Political Director, Clyde for Congress, State Field Director, Kemp Campaign; Applied Politics Fourth Cohort
Cody Hall, Press Secretary, Governor Brian Kemp
Jessica Hayes, Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Representative Jody Hice (GA-10)
Bryson Henriott, Floor Assistant, Office of Majority Leader U.S. Representative Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Neill Herring, Lobbyist, GA Sierra Club, Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, Flint Riverkeeper, Ogeechee Riverkeeper, GA Forest Watch
Sydney Horwitz, Communications Specialist, Georgia State Senate; Applied Politics Sixth Cohort
Robin Hubier, Jackson Spalding, Corporate Social Responsibility
Will Hurd, Former US Representative (TX-23)
Melissa Jackson, Broadcast Media Relations Coordinator, UGA Marketing & Communications
Robert Jimison, Congressional Reporter, The New York Times
Bree Johnson, Digital Strategist, Tomlinson for Senate
Josh Jones, President/CEO Red Clay Communications
Jen Jordan, Former Georgia State Senator, District 6
Ronny Just, Governmental Relations Manager, Georgia Power
Evan Katz, Strategy Consultant, Deloitte
Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia
Marty Kemp, First Lady of Georgia
Paul Kilgore, PDS Compliance
Jasmine King, Director of State and Federal Affairs at the Georgia Chamber of Commerce
Caroline Kurzawa, Press Secretary, U.S. Representative John Larson (CT-01)
David Lakly, Vinson Institute, Expert, Georgia Legislative Process
Dominique Leon-Davis, Move-On, Digital Mobilization
Emily Leonard, Senior Communications Specialist, Georgia State Senate
Bryan Long, CEO Southern Majority, Jackson Spalding
Josh Mackey, Vice President of Government Relations, FrogueClark
Anthony Madonna, Associate Professor, Russell Teaching Professor, Political Science Department, UGA School of Public and International Affairs
Amanda Maddox, Communications Director, U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Larissa Martinez, Co-Founder and President, Women’s Public Leadership Network
Abit Massey, Georgia Poultry Federation President Emeritus
Lewis Massey, Partner at Massey, Watson & Hembree, LLC
Caitlin May, Voting Rights Attorney, ACLU of Georgia
Joel McElhannon, Managing Partner of Parlay Marketing Partners, LLC
Megan McKinley, Finance Director, Tim Scott for President
Jim McVaney, Senior Director, Federal Relations and Policy (Energy, Environment & Agriculture) at Bayer
Chris Meredith, Assistant Chief Counsel, US Department of Homeland Security
Carey Miller,  Legal Counselor to Governor Nathan Deal
Valerie Mills, Senior Manager, Mayor’s Office of International & Immigrant Affairs-Welcoming Atlanta
Tate Mitchell, Kemp Campaign Press Secretary; Applied Politics First Cohort
Powell Moore, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense
Patricia Murphy, Political Columnist, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Austin Myhre, Legislative Correspondent, U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA)
Bill Nigut, Senior Executive Producer at WGPB; WSB Political Reporter
Kristin E. Oblander, President, Oblander Group Fundraising
Eric Paulk, Deputy Director, Georgia Equality
Hadas Peles, Project Manager, American Israel Public Affairs Committee
William Perry, Executive Director of Georgia Ethics Watchdogs
Xeron Pledger, Constituent Liaison and Special Projects, U.S. Representative Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Trey Pollard, National Press Secretary, Sierra Club
David Ralston, State Representative, District 7; Speaker of the House, Georgia House of Representatives
Matt Ralston, Manager of State Affairs, Troutman Pepper Strategies
Ralph Reed, President, Century Strategies
Kevin Riley, Editor in Chief, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Lori Ringhand, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & J. Alton Hosch Professor of Law, UGA School of Law
Brian Robinson, Political Strategist, President of Republic Consulting, Former Communications Director for Governor Nathan Deal
Karen Russell, Associate Professor of Public Relations &  Jim Kennedy New Media Professor, UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Adrien Sandercock, Operational Effectiveness Consultant, Guidehouse, Applied Politics First Cohort
Jane Scarborough, Legislative Correspondent, U.S. Representative Rich McCormick (GA-06)
Meg Scribner, Senior Account Executive, Resonance Campaigns
Ben Sheidler, Director of External Communications, Coca-Cola North America
Michael Shinholster, Legislative Consultant, US House of Representatives
John Sides, Associate Professor of Political Science, George Washington University
Brett Smith, Legislative Field Representative, U.S. Representative Drew Ferguson (GA-03)
Hunter Smith, UGA Law, ADA Brunswick Judicial Circuit, DA Office; Applied Politics First Cohort
Julie Smith, Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Verizon
Kristen Smith, Senior Lecturer, Public Relations, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Lily Soto, Finance Assistant, FH Strategies
Ben Stout, Senior Field Coordinator, U.S. Representative Jody Hice (GA-10)
Jessica Suh, Legislative Staff, U.S. House Rules Committee
Jenni Sweat, Press Secretary, Senator David Perdue; Perdue for Governor, and US House Committee for Homeland Security; Public Affairs Communications First Cohort
Stuart Swinea, Field Organizer, Iowa Democratic Party
Cary Lynn Thigpen, Morning Consult and Pew Research Center; Applied Politics Second Cohort
Grant Thomas, Deputy Commissioner, Georgia Department of Community Health
Kate Thompson, Sales Associate, Aristotle, Inc.; Applied Politics Sixth Cohort
Michael Thurmond, CEO, DeKalb County, Georgia
Bob Trammell, State Representative, District 132; GA House Minority Leader
Chuck Toney, Senior Strategist, Jackson Spalding
Shivani Vakharia, Legislative Correspondent and Press Assistant, U.S. Representative Tom Graves (GA-14)
Lynn Vavreck, Professor of Political Science and Communication Studies, UCLA
Savannah Viar, RNCC and War Room Strategies
Jeff Vreeland, Director of Digital Operations, Prosper Group
James Wallner, Vice President for Research, The Heritage Foundation
Tony West, State Director, Americans for Prosperity
Mallory Whitfield, Fundraising Consultant, War Room Strategies
Miranda Williams, Georgia Literacy Coach, Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)
Brad Williamson, Legislative Field Representative, U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Chrystian Woods, Director of Organizing and Outreach, Democratic Party of Georgia


Thank you to the following donors whose generous support makes this program possible!

Mr. Eli J. Abad
Ms. Francesca T. Amodeo and Mr. Benjamin B. Ayres
Ms. Caroline L. Anderson
Ms. Morgan T. Aspinwall
Ms. Nicole Phillips Badertscher and Mr. Beau Christian Badertscher
Ms. Sarah J. Baines and Mr. Christopher P. Baines II
Ms. Abby L. Batchelor
Ms. Ashley M. Bays
Capt J. Wesley Bernard
Mr. Thomas D. Beusse and Mrs. Frances Doughtie Beusse
Mr. Edward Boney and Dr. Keri Lydon
Ms. Kaitlyn T. Branson
Ms. Sydney E. Branton
Ms. Georgia R. Brieske
Mr. James T. Brieske and Mrs. Cindy L. Brieske
Ms. Lynn M. Brynes
Mr. Brendan Buck
Mrs. Frances Bullock and Dr. Charles S. Bullock III
Mr. Mark A. Burkett
Mr. Brittan J. Bush
Ms. Mary C. Butterfield
Ms. Rachel L. Byers
Mr. Jake Campbell
Ms. Keegan S. Cardman
Mr. Carter W. Chapman
Mr. Timothy R. Chapman and Ms. Emily J. Chapman
Ms. Allyson M. Clawson
Dr. Brett A. Clementz and Dr. Jennifer E. McDowell
Ms. Laney N. Copeland
Mr. Matthew A. Couper
Ms. Madilyn M. Cox
Ms. Kelli R. Crews
Ms. De’Omini Y. Daniely
Mr. Dylan R. Davis and Ms. Kelly C. Davis
Mr. Joseph W. Davis Jr.
Mr. Kelly J. Dent and Ms. Robin C. Dent
Mr. Christopher C. Devine
Mr. Timothy B. Dickinson
Mr. David B. Dove and Ms. Courtney Dove
Ms. Julia F. Drury
Mr. Parker C. Duncan
Mr. Donavan K. Eason and Mrs. Ashley L. Eason
Ms. Sharri Edenfield and Mr. William Lindsey
Mr. J. Wells Ellenberg
Dr. Ashton G. Ellett and Ms. Jessica Ellett
Mr. Austin R. Emery
Ms. Wendi Finch
Mr. Raphael E. Fix
Ms. Cassidy M. Flood
Mr. Ross E. Freeman
Ms. Madison P. French
Mr. Jeffrey E. Frey
Representative Houston A. Gaines
Ms. Katherine E. Gates
Ms. Trinity M. Gates
Mr. David W. Gates and Ms. Elyse A. Gates
Georgia Power Foundation, INC.
Mr. Austin W. Gibbons
Mr. Kerman D. Goodin II
Ms. Lauren C. Greer
Mr. Joshua D. Gregory
Mr. J. Patrick Guthrie
Mr. Keith A. Guthrie and Ms. Carolyn C. Guthrie
Mr. Robert M. Haire and Dr. Susan G. Haire
Mr. Carter J. Hamby
Mr. Cole M. Harper
Mr. J. Bradley Harris
Ms. Juliana M. Hartley
Dr. Audrey A. Haynes and Mr. James V. Chin
Mr. Coleman R. Hedden
Ms. Brittany L. Helliar
Mr. William C. Henderson
Mr. Bryson A. Henriott
Ms. Alexa G. Hernandez
Mr. Carlos R. Hernandez and Ms. Shena D. Hernandez
Mr. Brandon F. Holtz
Mr. Jerry E. Hood and Mrs. Angela F. Hood
Dr. Melvin V. Hood III and Mrs. Ashley Hood
Mr. Art Hufford
Mr. Arthur D. Hufford and Ms. Kathryn B. Hufford
Mr. Mark Isbitts and Ms. Debra Isbitts
Ms. Avery M. Jainniney
Dr. Gbemende Johnson
Mr. Dylan M. Jolley
Mr. David S. Jones and Dr. Stacy Bishop Jones
Mr. Hendley S. Jones
Mr. Ronald D. Just and Mrs. Kim Just
Mr. Evan Katz
Ms. Sara Beth Cockerham Kaufman
Ms. Abby M. Kousouris
Dr. Joshua M. Lang
Mrs. Megan L. Larkins and Mr. Wallis M. Larkins
Ms. Noelle C. Lashley
Mr. Joseph R. Leonard
Mr. Joseph A. Lestingi III and Ms. Kathryn L. Fisher
Ms. Malissa M. Little
Mr. Jeffery Littleton
Ms. Leanne E. Livingston
Mr. Jeter C. W. Long
Mr. David J. Lux and Ms. Deanna S. Lux
Mr. Joshua J. Mackey and Ms. Kallarin Mackey
Mrs. Brooke Malcom
Mr. Justin P. Maloney
Ms. Sara Beth Marchert
Ms. Francesca E. Mariano
Ms. Charlene A. Marsh
Ms. Jessica D. Martin
Ms. Margaret L. Martin
Ms. Larissa M. Martinez
Mr. Thomas B. Mason and Ms. Tonya W. Mason
Mr. William T. Mason
Mr. Lewis Massey and Mrs. Amy Massey
Ms. Kaylyn E. McAllister
Mr. John J. McArthur and Judge Sara McArthur
McArthur & McArthur & Overend, LLP
Mr. Allen T. McCall
Ms. Dayle L. McCallar
Mr. Gregory F. McCallar and Ms. Melissa L. McCallar
Mr. Andrew P. McHugh and Mrs. Kathryn McHugh
Mr. James P. McVaney Jr.
Mr. Carey A. Miller and Mrs. Jessica Miller
Mr. John T. C. Mitchell
Mr. Kevin L. Mitchell
Ms. Harper A. Moffett
Ms. Christina D. Moffett and Dr. James M. Moffett Jr.
Ms. Angela M. Morgan
Ms. Madeline C. Morgan
Ms. Katherine R. Moseley
Ms. Ivana L. Motes
Mr. Austin Myrhe
Ms. Roya Naghepour
Ms. Micah J. Nix
Mrs. Caroline M. Paczkowski and Dr. Andrew M. Paczkowski
Ms. Samantha E. Paul
Ms. Anne M. Pellegrino
Mr. Ethan M. Pender
Ms. Allison G. Phipps
Dr. Andrew W. Pierce
Dr. Keith T. Poole and Mrs. Jan Poole
Mr. Glyndon D. Pruitt
Mr. Steven B. Raulerson
Mr. Robert F. Ray Jr. and Mrs. Karen Cochran Ray
Red Maple Group, LLC
Ms. Tiffany N. Reed
Mr. Langley K. Respess and Ms. Diane R. Respess
Mr. Kyle N. Bickwit and Ms. Cecile P. Riker
Dr. Deondra E. Rose
Ms. Catherine M. M. Roth
Ms. Callie Y. Roylance
Mr. Adrien D. Sandercock
Mr. Arham Shah
Mr. Bradley H. Shanker
Ms. Isabel J. Shemaria
Mr. Michael J. Shinholster
Ms. Savannah L. Simpson
Mr. Brett D. Smith
Mr. Hunter G. Smith
Ms. Anna Beth Smith
Ms. Margaret R. Smith
Mr. Logan S. Sorrow
Mr. Andrew D. Stancil
Mr. Glenn A. Stegall
Ms. Katrina C. Stewart
Mr. Kent P. Strickland
Ms. Jessica J. Suh
Ms. Gracie Swan
Ms. Karlee L. Taylor
Mr. Grant R. Thomas I
Ms. Katherine E. Thompson
Ms. Kiara D. Thompson
Ms. Brooke N. Turner
Ms. Shivani B. Vakharia
Ms. Savannah J. Viar
LTC Scott M. Virgil
Mr. John T. Walden
Mr. Frank A. Wasser and Ms. Hartley Wasser
Mr. Connor Whitney
Dr. Peter W. Wielhouwer
Mr. Thomas J. Wilkerson
Mr. Brad L. Williamson
Mr. Jonathan M. Wilson
Mr. Jantz G. Womack

updated 10-11-2024

2016 COHORT (1st)

Gaines, Houston
Harben, Catherine
John-Williams, Kimberlee
Lozano-roman, Glanny
MacPhail, Kate
Marticke, Sam
McAllister, Kaylyn
Mitchell, Tate
Morgan, Madeline
Naghepour, Roya
Sandercock, Adrien
Smith, Hunter
Stone, Emily
Williams, Hayley

2017 COHORT (2nd)

Burkett, Mark
Conde, Louis
Dickinson, Bailey
Flores, Stephanie
Griffin, Elizabeth
Hennessy, Reed
Hood, Callie
Hudson, Josh
Katz, Evan
Knell, Samuel
Konishi, Allyson
Marsh, Charlene
Melton, Preston
Pender, Ethan
Plombon, Megan
Siggers, Grace
Thigpen, Cary Lynne
Vanden Heuvel, Alex
White, Haleigh

2018 COHORT (3rd)

Ali, Saif
Anderson, Caroline
Batten, Jessica
Biggar, Taylor
Brody, Morgan
Byers, Rachel
Carpet, Mathilde
Chapman, Carter
Douglas, Jessica
Emery, Austin
Fagundes, JT
Ferguson, Christopher
Fine, Allison
Gibbons, Austin
Harper, Cole
Helliar, Brittany
Jense, Anna
Klein, Michael
Kumar, Vaibhav
Mitchell, Colleen
Parker, Chelsea
Peney, Matthew
Powell, Alexa
Pruitt, Kelsey
Scott, Marnagee
Tester, Rob
Vargas, Polo
Walker, Bailey

2019 COHORT (4th)

Adkins, Jesse
Amer, Saarah
Bennett, Caylin
Capuano, Gabriel
Couper, Matthew
Creswell, Chan
Dryden, Bailey
Garrison, Hope
Goodin, Kerman
Graves, Amelia
Guthrie, Patrick
Huskey, Alex
Isbitts, Julianna
Johnson, Leyeama
Langfelder, Becca
Lee, Kate
McManus, Daniel
Nabors, Bridget
Parker, Alexis
Shelton, Shania
Siegmann, Jamie
Thompson, Kiara
Tierney, John
Turner, Brooke
Wilhelm, Taylor
Womack, Jantz

2020 COHORT (5th)

Bippert, Scott
Cochran, Holt
Crabb, Thomas
Giordano, Andrea
Henriott, Bryson
Jackson, Madeline
Kagan, Hope
King, Logan
McCallar, Dayle
McFadden, Dedan
McLeod, Rhett
McMillan, Maggie
Mora, Alyssa
Nedza, Lora
Nix, Micah
Pace, Gracen
Poteete, Harlow
Roth, Catherine
Schwamm, Carly
Shanker, Bradley
Simpson, Savannah
Summers, Chelsea
Wagner, Richy
Wastler, Isobel

2021 COHORT (6th)

Allen, Sarah
Blake, Lexie
Brieske, Georgia
Butler, Trenton
Charyton, Thomas
Correa, Lizabeth
Crews, Kelli
Crosby, Makayla
Edelson, Dillon
Elmore, Aliya
Frey, Evan
Henderson, Clark
Hernandez, Alexa
Horwitz, Sydney
Moffett, Harper
Motes, Ivana
Myhre, Austin
Phipps, Allison
Pitner, Katie
Radford, John-Malik
Rickaby, Aidan
Scarborough, Jane
Segat, Bryce
Shemaria, Isabel
Shinholster, Michael
Stockenberg, Connor
Swan, Gracie
Thompson, Kate
Warshal, Jack
Whitney, Connor
Williamson, Logan

2022 COHORT (7th)

Archer, Isabel
Brantley, Kendall
Cardman, Keegan
Daniely, De’omini
Dempsey, Niamh Ann
Downes, Kelley
Duncan, Parker
Evans, Jessica
Fernald, Gideon
Friedman, Joshua
Gates, Trinity
Gregory, Josh
Johnson, Lauren
Kazi, Nazia
Kimberlin, Claire
Kirby, Alyssa
Martin, Hayden
Moore, George
Niane, Fatime
Oh, Hannah
Roberts, Terrell
Rogers, Anna Grace
Schultz, Daniel
Taback, Maegan
Washo, Coby
Weiss, Isabela

2023 COHORT (8th)

Buck, Mackenzie
Byrd, Nicholas
Chen, Lian Ho
Cohen, Justin
Cox, Madilyn
Dent, Christian
Fortuna, Julian
Hamby, Carter
Harless, Monroe
Hartley, Juliana
Hufford, Mary
Hunter, Evelyn
Jainniney, Avery
Jones, Hendley
Knudsen, Caroline
Kress, Katie
Livsey, Zach
Mason, William
Naurin, Nusrath
Pirkle, Becca
Rice, Sloane
Shah, Arham
Sorrow, Logan
Summerville, Cle’
Tringali, Anthony
Zhou, Joanna

2024 COHORT (9th)

Abbott, Grayson
Arnold, Donavan
Cook, Kyleigh
Dyar, Kelsey
Fleischer, Kira
Formato, Kolton
Girzone, Anna
Hays, Jacob
Jones, Slate
Kazak, Rose
Kelley, Laura
Lazo, JJ
Lux, Caleb
McColloch, Meagan
Mariano, Francesca
McGhee, Ethan
Moebes, Katie
O’Farrell, Delia
Orr, Hayes
Rachwalski, Anna
Srinivasan, Meera
Valencia, Ana
Whatley, Shyneria
Wyatt, Andy
Vazquez-Zavala, Paola

The Latest News from SPIA

February 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Dorian Philpot
January 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Caleb Bagley

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