2017 Networking Night
Apr 2017
On April 21, 2017, the third annual SPIA Networking Night was hosted at the Holiday Inn in Athens, GA. There were over 250 alumni, faculty, students, and organizations in attendance.
31 Photos

SPIA DC Reception & Program
Nov 2016
On November 16, 2016, the School of Public and International Affairs hosted its annual reception and program for alumni and friends in Washington DC. The event’s program featured a post-election
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Trip
Mar 2014
In March 2014, fifteen students from the Masters of International Policy and Doctorate in International Affairs programs, accompanied by the director and staff of the Center for International Trade and
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This is our spring at UGA
Feb 2014
Spring arrives early here at UGA. We start wear sandals in January, shorts and t-shirts in February and you can catch us walking barefoot through the grass on North Campus
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It’s pretty quiet here… except on Saturdays
Feb 2014
Some would say that fall is the best time of year at UGA. And they’d be 30% right. Spring and summer are great, too. Maybe it’s the smell of coffee
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