As an International Affairs major, I have always strived to be globally-minded. Before studying abroad, however, I had yet to learn just how rewarding global experiences could be, especially for someone hoping to pursue a career on the international stage. I’m currently a 3rd-year student participating in the SPIA GLOBIS Semester Abroad in Verona, Italy, and my experiences with SPIA while abroad have far exceeded my expectations of what experiential learning means for an International Affairs student.

Taking courses focused on the European Union and learning about its many different political, economic, and social functions while living in Europe has been a particularly unique experience.
The EU is an integral part of my day-to-day life here in Italy in ways that cannot be taught solely in the classroom. Admittedly, I have always struggled with economics. Still, I’ve found common markets and trade agreements a lot easier to understand when I see the low prices of French foods at the local grocery store or book a weekend flight to Prague for only 50 euros.

I’m also taking a course on Human Rights in the EU and have had many opportunities to experience the topics we discuss in the classroom firsthand while abroad. From visiting concentration camps to viewing protests and listening to fascinating guest speakers, I have better understood the human rights issues and protective measures discussed in my classes and how these problems and solutions can impact our world. During one of our guest speaker visits, we had the opportunity to hear from two Ukrainian refugees living in Verona, who spoke about their experience with seeking asylum in the European Union. Like many SPIA majors, I keep up with global current events through the news, but hearing someone’s real-life experience as a refugee in Italy was an unforgettable and compelling experience.

After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in international environmental policy. My experiences studying abroad and excellent SPIA education will have prepared me to become a globally-minded professional and leader. I am immensely grateful for SPIA and the Verona Study Abroad program. I hope my experience can encourage my fellow students to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

– Eliza Taylor
Majors: Political Science and International Affairs
Minors: Law, Jurisprudence, & the State and Criminal Justice