Assistant Professor of Political Science

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Katelyn Stauffer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science. She received her PhD from Indiana University in 2018 and her Bachelor’s degree from Gettysburg College.

Dr. Stauffer’s research and teaching focus on topics related to gender and politics, representation, political institutions, and public opinion. Her published work addresses two primary questions: 1) How does the inclusion of historically marginalized groups influence public opinion towards political institutions and their members? and 2) How do institutional structures influence the emergence and behavior of women in positions of power? Dr. Stauffer’s research has been published in the American Political Science Review; American Journal of Political Science; Political Research Quarterly; Electoral Studies; Politics, Groups and Identities; and Politics & Gender, among other outlets.


PhD, Indiana University, Political Science, 2018
(Fields: American Politics, Quantitative Methodology / Outside Minor: Statistical Sciences)
BA, Gettysburg College, Political Science & History, 2013

Areas of Expertise
  • Gender and politics
  • Representation
  • Public Opinion
  • Political Behavior
  • Political Institutions
  • Political Identity
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
  • MPSA Women’s Caucus Early Career Award
  • Neal Tate Award for best paper on judicial politics presented at the SPSA annual meeting
  • Marian Irish Award for best paper on women and politics presented at SPSA annual meeting
  • Pi Sigma Alpha Award for best overall conference paper presented at SPSA
Selected Publications

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. Forthcoming. “Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Judicial Nominees.” Politics, Groups, and Identities.

Stauffer, Katelyn E., Susan Miller and Lael Keiser. 2023. “Compliance with Public Health Orders: The Role of Trust, Representation, and Expertise.” Political Research Quarterly 76(4): 1888 – 1905.

Stauffer, Katelyn E., Yoshiharu Kobayashi, Kelsey M. Martin-Morales, Riley Lankes, Tobias Heinrich and Catherine R. Goodwin. 2023. “The Missing Fingerprints: Women Legislators and International Development Aid.” Politics & Gender 19(2): 585-610.

Stauffer, Katelyn E., Miyeon Song, and Kelsey Shoub. 2023. “How Police Agency Diversity, Policies & Outcomes Shape Citizen Trust and Willingness to Engage.” Policy Studies Journal 51(4): 929-950.

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2023. “Gender and Ambition among Potential Law Clerks.” Journal of Law and Courts 11(1): 116-140.

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2023. “Diversity in Judicial Nominations and Perceptions of Presidential Accomplishment.” Representation 59(2): 249-270.

Strickland, James and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2022. “Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.” Political Research Quarterly 75(3): 531-546.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. and Colin A. Fisk. 2022. “Are You My Candidate? Gender, Undervoting, and Vote Choice in Same-party Matchups.” Politics & Gender 18(3): 575-604.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. and Bernard L. Fraga. 2022.”Contextualizing the Gender Gap in Voter Turnout.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 10(2): 334-341.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. 2022. “The Interview: Using Student Conducted Interviews to Reinforce Class Content.” Journal of Political Science Education 18(1): 150-160.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. 2021. “Public Perceptions of Women’s Inclusion and Feelings of Political Efficacy.” American Political Science Review 115(4): 1226-1241.

Shoub, Kelsey, Katelyn E. Stauffer, and Miyeon Song. 2021. “Do Female Officers Police Differently? Evidence from Traffic Stops.” American Journal of Political Science 65(3): 755-769.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. and Diana Z. O’Brien. 2019. “Fast Friends or Strange Bedfellows? Quantitative Methods and Gender and Politics Research.” European Journal of Politics and Gender 2(2): 151-171.

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2019. “Michelle Obama as a Political Symbol: Race, Gender, and Public Opinion towards the First Lady.” Politics & Gender 15(3): 431-459.

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2019. “Voting for Women in Nonpartisan and Partisan Elections.” Electoral Studies 57: 245-255.

Stauffer, Katelyn E. and Diana Z. O’Brien. 2018. “Quantitative Methods and Feminist Political Science.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, edited by William R. Thompson.

Badas, Alex and Katelyn E. Stauffer. 2018. “Someone Like Me: Descriptive Representation and Support for Supreme Court Nominees.” Political Research Quarterly 71(1): 127-142.

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