Curriculum Vitae

Master of International Policy (MIP)


Bachelor of Arts at SUNY Albany

More About

Brendan achieved his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Albany in three years while he concentrated in the realm of global politics. Before leaving Albany, Brendan contributed to the Pi Sigma Alpha fraternity, the Model EU and Model UN teams, and played club soccer as well. At The Project for International Security, Commerce, and Economic Statecraft, Brendan assisted Dr. Bryan Early and his cohort to provide state and non-state actors with rationality against the use of WMDs. Now, as a first-year graduate student, Brendan works at The Center for International Trade and Security as a graduate assistant.

Areas of Expertise

Means and uses of illicit international trade for dual-use goods.

Honors, Awards, and Achievements

Graduated Magna Cum Laude at the University of Albany


Pi Sigma Alpha Fraternity

Research Interests

Global trade of dual-use goods Emerging international trade hubs Interaction of state and non-state actors Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons