Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs
Arch Professor of Public and International Affairs
Full Professor of Public Administration and Policy

Curriculum Vitae

Matthew R. Auer is Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs and Arch Professor of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. His research focuses on the politics of decision-making in the arenas of environmental protection, energy policy, and forest policy. His recent research considers social media as a space for influencing users’ perspectives of environmental risks.

  • PhD, Yale University, Forestry and Environmental Studies, 1996
  • MS, Yale University, Forestry and Environmental Studies, 1994
  • MALD, Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1990
  • AB, Harvard University, Anthropology, 1988
Areas of Expertise
  • International Forest Policy
  • International Energy Policy
  • International Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Communication
  • Policy Sciences
  • Foreign Aid
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
  • Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration (2023). Congressionally-chartered academy that produces research to address government’s most pressing challenges.
  • Career Advocate Award (2020). For efforts to promote career development and success of undergraduates by the UGA Career Center.
  • Gordon Faculty Award (2012-13). For outstanding contributions to the Division of Student Affairs, Indiana University Bloomington.
  • Runner-Up, Pioneer Institute Better Government Competition (2012). One of four runners-up in a national competition “that seeks out and rewards the most innovative public policy proposals.” Proposal considered the devolution of federally-sponsored foreign aid training programs to state departments of higher education and state colleges and universities.
  • Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Group Publishing (2011). Awarded to “Appraising Climate Change Information Reported to Congress.” Co-authored by Michael Cox, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management.
  • Harold D. Lasswell Prize (2010). Awarded to the best article published in Policy Sciences in 2010 as determined by the journal’s international editorial board. Title of article: “Communication and Competition in Environmental Studies.”
  • Fellow, Academic Leadership Program, Committee on Institutional Cooperation (2007-2008). “…designed to develop the leadership and managerial skills of faculty on CIC (Big Ten) campuses who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise.”
  • Appointee, IU LeaD (2006). IU LeaD “provides a formal system for identifying…the next generation of both academic and administrative leaders at Indiana University.”
  • Nominee, Student Choice Award for Outstanding University Professors, IU Student Alumni Association (2012; 2006; 2005; 2004; 2001; 1999). A “nomination by one or more students…for making a difference in the life and education of your students.”
  • President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005). Indiana University Office of the President’s award for distinguished teaching.
  • Trustee Teaching Award, Indiana University (2005; 2002; 2001). “…awarded to six percent of tenured and tenure-track faculty members (of each department and professional school) who have demonstrated that they are the best teachers.”
  • Outstanding Instructor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs (2004; 2001; 1998). In recognition of outstanding instruction in the core (2001; 1998) and non-core (2004) undergraduate curricula of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University.
  • Commendation, U.S. Forest Service (2003). In recognition of outstanding service to U.S. Forest Service International Programs.
  • Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching Award (2002). A competitive honor awarded by Indiana University in recognition of special distinction in teaching and demonstrated commitment to student learning.
  • Myres McDougal Prize, Society for the Policy Sciences (2001). For exemplary policy sciences research (for “Who Participates in Global Environmental Governance? Partial Answers from International Relations Theory,” Policy Sciences 33(2): 155-180).
  • Indiana University Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, Indiana University (2000). “…given to junior faculty members who show promise of achieving great distinction as scholars or artists.”
  • Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (1999; 1998; 1997). For exemplary contributions to the teaching mission of SPEA and Indiana University.
  • Award of Excellence (1995). Prize for the best project funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in 1994-1995. Project involved comparative energy audits of high-occupancy buildings in Nanjing, China and New Haven, Connecticut.
Selected Publications

Auer, Matthew R. (forthcoming). “Wildfire Risk and Insurance: Research Directions for Policy Scientists,” Policy Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11077-024-09528-7.

Auer. Matthew R. and Hexamer, Benjamin. 2022. “Income and Insurability as Factors in Wildfire Risk,” Forests 2022, 13(7), 1130;

Auer, Matthew R. 2021. “Considering Equity in Wildfire Protection,” Sustainability Science.

Auer, Matthew R. 2021. “Proverbs of Administration at 75. Long Live Proverbs?” Teaching Public Administration.

Auer, Matthew R. 2021. “Covid-19 Crisis Communications: The Challenge for Environmental Organizations,” Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 115, No. 1: 151-155.

Auer, Matthew R. 2019, “Environmental Sustainability in the Age of Climate Change,” Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 18, 5001.

Auer, Matthew R. 2017. “Rescuing the Decision Process,” Policy Sciences, Vol. 50, No. 4: 519-526.

Auer, Matthew R. 2016. “The Hardest Part of Integrated Planning,” Planning for Higher Education, Vol. 44, No. 2: 3-7.

Auer, Matthew and Fu, King-wa. 2015. “Clearing the Air: Investigating Weibo Censorship in China,” Index on Censorship, Vol. 44, No. 3: 76-79.

Auer, Matthew R. 2014. “Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms: The Principled Optimism of Elinor Ostrom,” Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, Vol. 6, No. 4: 265-271.

Auer, Matthew R., Zhang, Yuman, Lee, Priscilla. 2014. “The Potential of Microblogs for the Study of Public Perceptions of Climate Change,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, Vol. 5 (May/June): 291-296.

Auer, Matthew R. 2012. “Group Forest Certification for Smallholders in Vietnam: An Early Test and Future Prospects,” Human Ecology, Vol. 40, No. 1: 5-14.

Auer, Matthew R. 2011. “The Policy Sciences of Social Media,” Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4: 709-739.

Expert Commentary

Auer, Matthew R. 2023. “Opinion: The ‘Isakson Way’ still points us toward political civility,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Auer, Matthew R. 2022. “In Praise of Patriotic Bunting,” Chicago Tribune.

Auer, Matthew R. 2021. “Community and Homeowner Fire Mitigation,”

Auer, Matthew R. 2021. “10 States with the Highest Wildfire Risk,”



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