INTL Spring 2025


Undergraduate Schedule

AR - Arrange with Professor | TBA - To Be Announced

Core Classes
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 1100 25999 Introduction to Global Issues 10:20-11:10 M W F Sanford Hall 313
INTL 1100 59953 Introduction to Global Issues 11:30-12:20 M W F MLC 147
INTL 1100 64532 Introduction to Global Issues 8:00-9:15 T TR Sanford Hall 313
INTL 3200 25936 Introduction to International Relations 9:10-10:00 M W F Caldwell Hall 204
INTL 3200 25983 Introduction to International Relations 11:10-12:25 T TR Peabody Hall 115
INTL 3200 59946 Introduction to International Relations 12:45-2:00 T TR Peabody Hall 115
INTL 3200H 70459 Introduction to International Relations (Honors) 11:30-12:20 M W F Candler Hall 214
INTL 3300 25940 Introduction to Comparative Politics 11:20-11:10 M W F Caldwell Hall 204
INTL 3300 25994 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2:20-3:35 T TR Peabody Hall 115
International Relations Classes
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4210 49026 International Law 9:35-10:50 T TR Sanford Hall 212
INTL 4211 70467 Advanced International Law 1:50-2:40 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4220 70460 International Conflict 11:30-12:20 M W F Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4230 70547 International Political Economy 3:55-5:10 T TR MLC 275
INTL 4240 49033 International Organizations 11:10-12:25 T TR Journalism 501
INTL 4250 70458 American Foreign Policy 10:20-11:10 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4280 64431 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict 9:35-10:50 T TR Sanford Hall 313
INTL 4430 70656 U.S. National Security Policy 11:30-12:20 M W F Sanford Hall 309
INTL 4430 70550 U.S. National Security Policy 3:55-5:10 T TR Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4450 70474 Global Security Policy 8:00-9:15 T TR Sanford Hall 109
INTL 4460 59960 Arms Control and Disarmament 11:10-12:25 T TR Baldwin Hall 102
Comparative Politics Classes
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4315 70462 Comparative Democracy 12:40-1:30 M W F Sanford Hall 314
INTL 4321H 70468 Politics of Development (Honors) 1:50-2:40 M W F Candler Hall 115
INTL 4340 64501 Post-Communist Politics 1:50-2:40 M W F Sanford Hall 313
INTL 4340H 70456 Post-Communist Political Systems (Honors) 9:10-10:00 M W F Candler Hall 214
INTL 4360 70457 East Asian Politics 9:10-10:00 M W F MLC 269
INTL 4361 56444 Chinese Politics 9:10-10:00 M W F Sanford Hall 312
INTL 4364 70461 Politics of Japan 11:30-12:20 M W F Sanford Hall 313
INTL 4630 41749 Population, Immigration, and Politics 10:20-11:10 M W F LeConte Hall 323
INTL 4780 64535 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: The Politics of Israel and Palestine 12:45-2:00 T TR Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4780 64507 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: U.S.-Israeli Relationship 2:20-3:35 T TR Caldwell Hall 107
Dual International Relations/Comparative Politics Classes
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4000 67893 Research Design and Analysis 9:35-10:50 T TR Journalism 501
INTL 4005 70475 Social Experimentation 2:20-3:35 T TR MLC 275
INTL 4530 70463 Global and Distributive Justice 12:40-1:30 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4620 64427 Human Rights 12:40-1:30 M W F Sanford Hall 313
INTL 4622R 70549 Human Rights Research 2:20-3:35 T TR CITS Conference Room
INTL 4680H 67202 Peace Studies (Honors) 2:20-3:35 T TR Military Building 4
Security Leadership Program
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4415 67233 Practicum - Methods and Issues in Security Studies 1:50-2:40 M W F CITS Conference Room
INTL 4425R 61181 Advanced Research in International Security Policy 3:00-3:50 M W F CITS Conference Room
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4720 43247 International Affairs Internship      
INTL 4720 33925 International Affairs Internship (Washington Semester)      
INTL 4721 47837 International Affairs Internship - Research Project      
INTL 4721 34181 International Affairs Internship - Research Project (Washington Semester)      
INTL 4722 43618 International Affairs Internship - Analytical Essays      
INTL 4722 33927 International Affairs Internship - Analytical Essays (Washington Semester)      

Graduate Schedule

AR - Arrange with Professor | TBA - To Be Announced

Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 6000 66048 Foundations of International Policy 12:45-3:35 T Candler Hall 214
INTL 6010 67238 Research Methods in International Policy 9:10-12:20 W Candler Hall 115
INTL 6300 70551 Comparative Analysis and Method 3:55-6:45 T Candler Hall 117
INTL 7002 64435 Prospectus Workshop 3:00-3:55 M Candler Hall 115
INTL 7007 56484 Data Analytics and Presentation 9:35-12:25 T Candler Hall 214
INTL 8200 70553 Special Topics in International Relations: Historical Approaches in IR 3:55-6:45 TR Candler Hall 117
INTL 8205 67205 Foreign Policy Decision Making 7:00-9:30 TR Candler Hall 117
INTL 8270 53854 Politics of Trade and Security Policy 12:40-3:50 M Candler Hall 214
INTL 8278 64582 Energy Statecraft 12:45-3:35 TR Candler Hall 214
INTL 8280 70552 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 3:00-6:10 M Candler Hall B04
INTL 8292 70472 Counterterrorism 3:00-6:10 W Candler Hall 214
INTL 8300 70469 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: European Politics 3:00-6:10 M Candler Hall 117
INTL 8340 70473 Developing Political Systems 3:00-6:10 W Candler Hall 117

The Latest News from SPIA

Robby Witwer, Leader On & Off the Ice
40 under 40: Jessica Simmons
February 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Dorian Philpot