Joshua W. Jones Professor of Public and International Affairs
Co-Graduate Coordinator, Political Science & International Affairs

Curriculum Vitae

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Shane Singh joined UGA as an assistant professor in the fall of 2010, was promoted to associate professor in 2015, and full professor in 2020. He currently serves as co-Graduate Coordinator for the MA/PhD Program in Political Science and International Affairs. Professor Singh’s research focuses on comparative politics, with an emphasis on comparative political behavior and elections. He is also an instructor in the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. In the 2018-2019 academic year, he was a Visiting Democracy Fellow at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He was previously a post-doctoral researcher with the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship at McGill University and the Making Electoral Democracy Work project. He received a Ph.D. in political science from Michigan State University.

  • Ph.D, Michigan State University, Political Science, 2009
  •  MA, Michigan State University, Political Science, 2006
  •  BA, Michigan State University, Political Science and Prelaw, 2003
More About

Professor Singh is actively researching topics related to comparative political behavior and the intended and unintended effects of democratic institutions and electoral policies. His current primary interest is compulsory voting, with a focus on its effects on citizen attitudes and the nature of vote choices. Professor Singh has published around 40 peer-reviewed academic journal articles on these subjects in many of the leading general and subfield journals in political science. Some of his recent publications appear in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science, Political Science Research and Methods, the European Journal of Political Research, Political Behavior, Comparative Political Studies, and Electoral Studies. Professor Singh is skilled in the use of quantitative research methods, and his research makes use of a variety of cutting-edge quantitative tools.

Professor Singh’s work is supported grants totaling roughly US$200,000, and he has won numerous scholarships and awards to further his education, scholarship, and professional travel. Professor Singh has presented his work at invited talks and conferences, for both academic and professional audiences, in several countries. He frequently teaches on SPIA’s study abroad programs,  and he is an instructor at the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research at the University of Michigan during the summer.

Areas of Expertise
  • Comparative Political Behavior
  • Electoral Behavior
  • Elections
  • Compulsory Voting
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
  • 2022: William A. Owens Creative Research Award, University of Georgia
  • 2020: Jack Walker Outstanding Article Award, Political Organizations and Parties Section, American Political Science Association
  • 2018-2019: Democracy Fellow, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
  • 2016-2020: Roughly $140,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. With J. Roy and P. Fournier.
  • 2015: Faculty Research Award, School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia
  • 2013-2016: Roughly $60,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. With J. Roy, P. Fournier, and B. Andrew.
  •    2015-present: Instructor, ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of Michigan
Course Instruction

Instructor, Graduate Level:
• Comparative Parties and Elections: Spring 2015 (directed readings)
• Comparative Political Behavior: Spring 2016; Spring 2017; Spring 2023; Spring 2024
• Dissertation Prospectus Workshop: Spring 2023
• GradFIRST Introduction to Research and Scholarship: Fall 2022-Fall 2023
• Research Methods in International Policy: Fall 2010-Fall 2021
• Research Methods in Political Science: Fall 2010; Fall 2012-Fall 2021
• Selected Topics in Comparative Politics: Winter Break 2010-2011 (in Australia)

Instructor, Undergraduate Level:
• British Politics: Spring 2020 (in Oxford, UK)
• Comparative Political Institutions: Winter Break 2010-2011 (in Australia); Fall 2011; Spring 2012; Summer 2012 (in Verona, Italy); Spring 2013; Summer 2013 (in Verona, Italy); Summer 2014 (in Verona, Italy); Spring 2015; Summer 2015 (in Verona, Italy); Summer 2016 (in Verona, Italy); Summer 2017 (in Verona, Italy); Summer 2018; Spring 2020 (in Oxford, UK)
• Democracy in Latin America: Spring 2020 (directed readings)
• Introduction to Comparative Politics: Spring 2011-Spring 2013; Spring 2018; Spring 2022; Fall 2022; Fall 2023
• Music and Politics Around the World: Summer 2020-Summer 2023

Selected Publications


Singh, Shane P. 2021. Beyond Turnout: How Compulsory Voting Shapes Citizens and Political Parties. New York: Oxford University Press (Comparative Politics Series).

Roy, Jason, Shane P. Singh, and Patrick Fournier. 2021. The Power of Polls? A Cross- National Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Campaign Polls. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Elements in Campaigns and Elections Series).



Singh, Shane P. “Compulsory Voting Increases Men’s Turnout Most.” American Journal of Political Science. ​

Singh, Shane P., and Ryan E. Carlin. 2025. “The Pigmentocracy of Executive Approval.” Comparative Political Studies. 58(2): 327-363.

Singh, Shane P., and Jaroslav Tir. 2024. “Less Human Than Human: Threat, Language, and Relative Dehumanization.” British Journal of Political Science. 54(3): 612-628.

Singh, Shane P., and Judd Thornton. 2024. “Does the Salience of Partisan Competition Increase Affective Polarization in the United States?” Political Research Quarterly. 77(1): 45-58.

Kostelka, Filip, Shane P. Singh, and André Blais. 2024. “Is Compulsory Voting a Solution to Low and Declining Turnout? Cross-National Evidence Since 1945.” Political Science Research and Methods. 12(1): 76-93.

Singh, Shane P. 2023. “Compulsory Voting Diminishes the Relationship Between Winning and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Journal of Politics. 85(3): 1079-1093.

Singh, Shane P., and Quinton Mayne. 2023. “Satisfaction with Democracy: A Review of a Major Public Opinion Indicator.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 87(1): 187-218.

Singh, Shane P., and Jaroslav Tir. 2023. “Threat-Inducing Violent Events Exacerbate Social Desirability Bias in Survey Responses.” American Journal of Political Science. 67(1): 1079-1093.

Singh, Shane P. 2022. “Does Compulsory Voting Affect How Voters Choose? A Test Using a Combined Conjoint and Regression Discontinuity Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies. 55(12): 2119-2143.

Williams, Neil S., Alexandra Snipes, and Shane P. Singh. 2021. “Gender Differences in the Impact of Electoral Victory on Satisfaction with Democracy.” Electoral Studies. 69(1): 102205.

Singh, Shane P. 2019. “Compulsory Voting and Parties’ Vote Seeking Strategies.” American Journal of Political Science. 63(1): 37-52.

Singh, Shane P., and Judd R. Thornton. 2019. “Elections Activate Partisanship AcrossCountries.” American Political Science Review. 113(1): 248-253.

Singh, Shane P. 2019. “Politically Unengaged, Distrusting, and Disaffected Individuals Drive the Link between Compulsory Voting and Invalid Balloting.” Political Science Research and Methods. 7(1): 107-123.

Singh, Shane P. 2018. “Compulsory Voting and Dissatisfaction with Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science. 48(3): 843-854.


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