University of Georgia Public Administration and Policy is well represented at this year’s Public Management Research Conference hosted by the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance.
The Public Management Research Conference (PMRC) is the foremost gathering of public management experts in the world. This week we have 16 PADP faculty and PhD students presenting 20 research projects.
- Gene A. Brewer: Forming a measurement index for institutional public-service motivation in state civil service systems
- Esther Han: Symbolic representation and coproduction: A survey experiment on principals’ race and parent involvement
- Inkyu Kang: Strategic framing in the politics of administrative burdens: A theoretical model and empirical examination
- George Krause: “Task Complexity and Performance Management in an Era of Technological-Based Learning: Evidence from State Unemployment Insurance Programs.”; Reconsidering the Politics-Administration Divide: Politics, Capacity, and Performance in U.S. Federal Agencies, 2000-2022
- Heewon Lee: What Public Values Do Practitioner-Scholar Research Collaborations Seek to Create? Evidence from a Field Experiment; Navigating the Algorithmic State: Unraveling Citizens’ Value Preferences for AI-Driven Public Service Delivery; Positive Framing of Electric Vehicle Subsidies: Exploring the Impact on Burden Tolerance and Adoption
- Michelle Lofton: How Can Participatory Budgeting Enhance the Voice of Underrepresented Minorities?
- Katherine Willoughby: Gaps in Disaster Management: States as Critical Arteries of the U.S. Intergovernmental Emergency Management System
- Bradley Wright: Street level bureaucracy & Stigma: Police Officer Burnout, Protest Stress and Stereotype Threat during the Black Lives Matter Movement
- Juan Pablo Araya: Forming a measurement index for institutional public-service motivation in state civil service systems
- Alejandra Rodas Gaiter: The Dynamics of Compliance: Investigating Public Employee Motivations in Colombia’s National Government.
- Ji-Hyeun Hong: “Task Complexity and Performance Management in an Era of Technological-Based Learning: Evidence from State Unemployment Insurance Programs.”
- Colt Jensen: 50 Years of Rural Research in Public Administration: Evidence and Future Avenues
- Kyoung-Cheol Kim: Cognitive Impacts of AI on Administration; Threats or Opportunities? How Local Government Managers and Employees Perceive the Adoption and Use of Emerging Technology Tools
- Jeeyeon Kim: Disability and active representation: Focusing on the severity and the visibility of disabilities
- Ju Won Park: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?: Experimental Evidence on Cognitive Biases in Telework
- Melanie Waddell: How do States Budget for Disasters and Why Does it Matter?