INTL Fall 2022


Undergraduate Schedule

AR - Arrange with Professor | TBA - To Be Announced

Core Courses
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 1100 15603 Introduction to Global Issues 12:40-1:30 M W F Fine Arts 400
INTL 1100 22017 Introduction to Global Issues 10:20-11:10 M W F Baldwin Hall 104
INTL 1100 25329 Introduction to Global Issues 11:30-12:20 M W F Fine Arts 400
INTL 1100 42717 Introduction to Global Issues 11:30-12:20 M W F Baldwin Hall 104
INTL 1100 53415 Introduction to Global Issues 11:10-12:25 T TR Baldwin Hall 104
INTL 1100 55623 Introduction to Global Issues 9:10-10:00 M W F Candler Hall 115
INTL 3200 16812 Introduction to International Relations 10:20-11:10 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 3200 22007 Introduction to International Relations 11:30-12:20 M W F Candler Hall 115
INTL 3200 25331 Introduction to International Relations 1:50-2:40 M W F MLC 274
INTL 3200 30700 Introduction to International Relations 9:35-10:50 T TR Journalism 501
INTL 3200 30707 Introduction to International Relations 12:45-2:00 T TR Journalism 514
INTL 3200 51642 Introduction to International Relations 11:10-12:25 T TR Military Building 2
INTL 3200 53427 Introduction to International Relations 2:20-3:35 T TR Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 3200 38536 Introduction to International Relations 10:20-11:10 M W F Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 3200 55544 Introduction to International Relations 9:10-10:00 M W F Candler Hall 214
INTL 3200 55545 Introduction to International Relations 11:30-12:20 M W F Candler Hall 214
INTL 3300 15605 Introduction to Comparative Politics 9:10-10:00 M W F Sanford Hall 212
INTL 3300 15615 Introduction to Comparative Politics 10:20-11:10 M W F Sanford Hall 212
INTL 3300 22088 Introduction to Comparative Politics 9:35-10:50 T TR Peabody Hall 219
INTL 3300 25326 Introduction to Comparative Politics 12:40-1:30 M W F Journalism 508
INTL 3300 25337 Introduction to Comparative Politics 11:10-12:25 T TR Park Hall 265
INTL 3300 26044 Introduction to Comparative Politics 1:50-2:40 M W F Journalism 508
INTL 3300 53426 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2:20-3:35 T TR LeConte Hall 320
International Relations Courses
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4210 46129 International Law 10:20-11:10 M W F Baldwin Hall 101D
INTL 4210 46130 International Law 1:50-2:40 M W F Baldwin Hall 101D
INTL 4240 53418 International Organizations 12:45-2:00 T TR Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4255 53413 Nuclear Politics 9:35-10:50 T TR Baldwin Hall 311
INTL 4265 53425 Global Simulation 2:20-5:10 T Candler Hall 214
INTL 4280 54687 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict 3:00-3:50 M W F Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4295 50909 War and Human Security 1:50-2:40 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4450 53411 Global Security Policy 12:40-1:30 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
Comparative Politics Courses
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4300 53412 Comparative Political Institutions 9:35-10:50 T TR MLC 147
INTL 4320 53417 Politics of Development 12:45-2:00 T TR Sanford Hall 313
INTL 4321H 54278 Political Economy of Development (Honors) 3:00-3:50 M W F MLC 274
INTL 4360 34282 East Asian Politics 8:00-8:50 M W F Candler Hall 115
INTL 4370 46139 Middle Eastern Politics 12:45-2:00 T TR MLC 213
INTL 4371 54203 Israeli Politics 12:40-1:30 M W F Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4390 46407 European Politics 11:30-12:20 M W F Caldwell Hall 102
INTL 4650H 54277 Women and World Politics (Honors) 12:40-1:30 M W F New College 118
INTL 4660 53428 Politics, Film, and Literature 2:20-5:10 TR Caldwell Hall 107
INTL 4780 53416 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Applied Survey Research 11:10-12:25 T TR Journalism 501
INTL 4780 54007 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: The Arab-Israeli Conflict 3:00-3:50 M W F MLC 147
INTL 4780 53419 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Dictatorships 12:45-2:00 T TR Caldwell Hall 102
Dual International Relations/Comparative Politics Courses
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4610 53414 Environmental Politics 11:10-12:25 T TR Baldwin Hall 322
INTL 4620 54681 Human Rights 8:00-8:50 M W F MLC 147
INTL 4620 49871 Human Rights 10:20-11:10 M W F Sanford Hall 209
INTL 4680 42755 Peace Studies 3:55-5:10 T TR Sanford Hall 209
INTL 4680H 54301 Peace Studies (Honors) 2:20-3:35 T TR Sanford Hall 209
INTL 4622R 47415 GLOBIS Human Rights Research 11:30-12:20 M W F MLC 269
Security Leadership Program Courses
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4415 21881 Method and Issues in Security Studies 3:00-3:50 M W F Psychology 243
Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 4720 37319 International Affairs Internship      
INTL 4720 22219 International Affairs Internship (Washington Semester)      
INTL 4721 37310 International Affairs Internship Research Project      
INTL 4721 23204 International Affairs Internship Research Project (Washington Semester)      
INTL 4722 37129 International Affairs Internship Analytical Essays      
INTL 4722 21908 International Affairs Internship Analytical Essays (Washington Semester)      

Graduate Schedule

AR - Arrange with Professor | TBA - To Be Announced

Course #Call #Course TitleTimeDayBuilding/RmInstructorSyllabi
INTL 6000 25342 Foundations of International Policy 12:40-3:35 W Candler Hall 214
INTL 6010 25346 Research Methods in International Policy 12:40-3:50 M LeConte Hall 322
INTL 6200 30751 Pre-Seminar in International Relations 9:35-12:25 T Candler Hall 214
INTL 6300 25481 Comparative Analysis and Method 3:30-6:15 T Candler Hall 117
GRSC 7001 55494 Being a Political Scientist 9:35-10:50 T Candler Hall 115
INTL 7008 53644 Advanced Data Analysis for Human Security Practitioners 3:35-6:35 W Peabody Hall 205S
INTL 7010 53700 Technical Background for WMD Non-Proliferation Policy Practitioners 12:40-3:50 M Candler Hall 117
POLS 7010 33529 Research Design 3:55 - 6:40 TR Baldwin Hall 101D
INTL 8210 53646 International Organizations 6:30-8:45 W Baldwin Hall 264
INTL 8230 53692 International Conflict 3:40-6:25 T Peabody Hall 205S
INTL 8279 53694 Energy Security and Policy 12:45-3:30 T Candler Hall 115
INTL 8300 46408 Selected Topics in Comparative Politics 3:35-6:35 M Sanford Hall 107
INTL 8395 53699 Contemporary Chinese Politics 3:30-6:15 TR Journalism 508
INTL 8500 53697 Qualitative Research Methods in International Affairs 3:30-6:15 T Journalism 508

The Latest News from SPIA

Dr. Hill Publishes New Book: “Positioning Women in Conflict Studies”
September 2024 MPA Student of the Month: Elizabeth Schulze
A Pathway to Success with Data Analytics in Public Policy

Join us for an Event

Sep 19
Internship Panel Webinar

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Sep 20
Constitution Day 2024

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM