Southern Political Science Conference 2025

The UGA School of Public and International Affairs is proud to attend this year’s SPSA Conference. With over 30 faculty members and students presenting their research and sharing their expertise, we invite you to join our sessions and engage with the scholarship that defines UGA as a leader in political science education.

Thursday 8:00am-9:15am Maguey
1100 CwC #5: Policy Making and Community Voice in Local Governance
Conference Within A Conference
What Public Values Do Practitioner-Scholar Research Collaborations Seek to Create? Evidence from a Field Experiment
Heewon Lee, University of Georgia

Thursday 9:30am-10:45am Tropical A
1200 Supreme Court Norms, Procedures, and Institutional Dynamics
Judicial Politics
Chair Gbemende Johnson, University of Georgia

Thursday 11:00am-12:15pm Tropical A
1300 Authors Meet Critics: Selective Publication in the U.S. Courts of Appeals: The Invisible Norm that Perpetuates Inequality
Judicial Politics
Susan Haire, University of Georgia

Thursday 12:30pm-1:45pm Auditorium
1400 Wilbur C. Rich’s The Upcoming Insignificance of the American Presidency, Author Meets Critics
Presidential and Executive Politics
Gbemende Johnson, University of Georgia

Thursday 12:30pm-1:45pm San Cristobal A
1400 The US State Department’s Diplomacy Lab: Active Learning Policy Making for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Teaching Political Science
Chair Maryann Gallagher, University of Georgia
Leah Carmichael, University of Georgia

Thursday 12:30pm-1:45pm San Geronimo Ballroom B
1400 Southern Nation in State and Politics
State Politics
1. Thriving or Stagnating in the South and the Nation – Charles Bullock and Keith Gaddie Charles Bullock, University of Georgia
2. Traditional South Case Studies – Georgia and Texas Charles Bullock, University of Georgia

Thursday 2:00pm-3:15pm San Cristobal D
1500 CwC #7: LLM Insights into Media and Public Opinion
Conference Within A Conference
Jason Anastasopoulos, University of Georgia

Thursday 2:00pm-3:15pm San Geronimo Ballroom A
1500 Elections at the State-level
Campaigns and Elections
Ticket-Splitting in Georgia
David Cottrell, University of Georgia
M.V. Hood, University of Georgia

Thursday 2:00pm-3:15pm Tropical B1500
Audience Costs, Signaling, and Reputation
International Organizations, Foreign Policy, and IR Theory
Chair Ryan Powers, University of Georgia

Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm Boardroom 2
1600 Presidential Appointments and the Unilateral Presidency
Presidential and Executive Politics
Citizen Evaluation of Unilateral Presidential Power Through the Lens of Partisanship
Stewart Ulrich, University of Georgia

Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm Conference Room 6
1600 Political Trust in American Politics
Public Opinion
Affective Polarization and the Decline in Political Trust
Tabitha Lamberth, University of Georgia
Stephen Nicholson, University of Georgia

Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm San Cristobal D
1600 CwC #7: Silicon Sampling with LLMs
Conference Within A Conference
Do LLMs Discriminate? Using Audit Experiments to Learn About Racial and Ethnic Biases in Large Language Models
Jason Anastasopoulos, University of Georgia
Greg Porembescu, University of Georgia
Jie Lian, University of Georgia
Andy Whitford, University of Georgia

Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm San Cristobal G1600
The Politics of Intervention
International Conflict and Security
Military Aid vs Intervention: A Differential Impact on Civilian Death
Mallory Lawrence, University of Georgia

Friday 8:00am-9:15am Conference Room 7
2100 Economic & Social Rights
Human Rights
Chair K. Chad Clay, University of Georgia

Friday 8:00am-9:15am Flamingo A
2100 Topics in Contemporary Political Theory: 2
Political Theory
The Force of Habit & Freedom
Jeremy Kingston Cynamon, University of Georgia

Friday 9:30am-10:45am Flamboyan
2200 CwC #9: Graduate Professionalization and Preparing for Job Markets
Conference Within A Conference
Elise Blasingame, University of Georgia
Gbemende Johnson, University of Georgia

Friday 9:30am-10:45am San Geronimo Ballroom B
2200 New Issues, Domains, and Actors in International Security
International Conflict and Security
Framing Firestorms-Decoding Youth Activism in Global Conflict
Michael Richard Matthews, University of Georgia
Danielle Vella, University of Georgia
Nathaniel Carr, University of Georgia

Friday 12:30pm-1:45pm Tropical A
2400 Gender Dynamics in the Courts
Judicial Politics
Gendered Policy Leadership in the State Supreme Courts
Levi Wayne Hudson, University of Georgia
Richard L. Vining, University of Georgia
Teena Wilhelm, University of Georgia

Friday 2:00pm-3:15pm Conference Room 3
2500 Consequences of Legislative Behavior and Action
Legislative Politics
Pork wars: congressional earmarks strike back?
Emma Bibina, University of Georgia

Friday 2:00pm-3:15pm Grand Salon Los Rosales A
2500 CwC #7: Methods for Text Annotation using LLMs
Conference Within A Conference
Probabilistic Record Linkage Using Pretrained Text Embeddings
Joseph Ornstein, University of Georgia

Friday 2:00pm-3:15pm San Cristobal D
2500 Redistricting and Gerrymandering as Policy Issues
Public Policy
Assessing the effect of gerrymandering on the preservation of incumbent districts
David Cottrell, University of Georgia

Friday 5:00pm-6:15pm San Geronimo Ballroom A
2700 CwC #11: Judicial Selection
Conference Within A Conference
The Effect of Gender and Racial Bias in Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings on the Public
Lori Ringhand, University of Georgia School of Law
Teena Wilhelm, University of Georgia

Saturday 8:00am-9:15am Conference Room 10
3100 Public Opinion and International Security
International Conflict and Security
The Battle for Hearts and Minds: An Empirical Framework to Identify the Influence of Information Operations
Jeffrey Berejikian, University of Georgia

Saturday 8:00am-9:15am San Cristobal A
3100 Gendered Narrative, Description, and Representation
Women, Gender, and Politics
Record Breakers: How Narratives About Women’s Emergence Shape Symbolic Representation
Katelyn Stauffer, University of Georgia

Saturday 9:30am-10:45am San Cristobal C
3200 Pathways and Barriers in Public Service: Recruitment and Motivation
Public Administration
Deconstructing the Honeymoon: What Predicts Expected Longevity in Public Service Jobs?
Gene A Brewer, University of Georgia

Saturday 11:00am-12:15pm Conference Room 10
3300 Alliances in International and Civil Conflict
International Conflict and Security
Chair Jeffrey Berejikian, University of Georgia

Saturday 11:00am-12:15pm Guayacan
3300 CwC #4: Democracy in Africa Workshop
Conference Within A Conference
Can Violence Narratives Shape Political Participation?: Evidence from Nigeria
Megan Turnbull, University of Georgia

Saturday 11:00am-12:15pm Tropical A
3300 Legal Doctrine and Jurisprudential Development
Judicial Politics
An Analysis of the Current State of the First Amendment in Relation to Educational Censorship
Alexis Madison O’Neal, The University of Georgia

Saturday 12:30pm-1:45pm Conference Room 10
3400 Territorial Conflict and Conquest
International Conflict and Security
I Never Realized How Much You Care’: Intangible Salience Discrepancies, Imperial Expansion, and the Onset, Management, and Termination of Territorial Claims
Andrew Owsiak, University of Georgia
Interstate Identity Claims under the Territorial Integrity Norm
Andrew Owsiak, University of Georgia

Saturday 12:30pm-1:45pm San Geronimo Ballroom A
3400 CwC #11: Court Reform around the World
Conference Within A Conference
The Separation of Powers, Court Curbing, and Judicial Legitimacy in American States
Teena Wilhelm, University of Georgia

Saturday 12:30pm-1:45pm Tropical A
3400 State of Judicial Politics Roundtable
Judicial Politics
Susan Haire, University of Georgia

Saturday 2:00pm-3:15pm San Cristobal C
3500 Performance, Productivity, and Burdens: Exploring the Impact of Management Strategies in Public Administration
Public Administration
Administrative Expertise Trade-Offs in Policy and Executive Compliance
Kyle Fromme, University of Georgia

Saturday 2:00pm-3:15pm San Cristobal D
3500 Issues in Statistical Modeling
Political Methodology
Garrett N VANDE KAMP, University of Georgia

Saturday 2:00pm-3:15pm Tropical A
3500 Congress, President, and the Supreme Court
Judicial Politics
Government Transparency and Judicial Oversight
Gbemende Johnson, University of Georgia
Yao Yao, University of Georgia

Saturday 3:30pm-4:45pm San Cristobal D
3600 Time Series Methods and Data
Political Methodology
Communicating Inferences through Marginal Effect Plots in Dynamic Regression Models
Garrett N VANDE KAMP, University of Georgia

Saturday 3:30pm-4:45pm San Geronimo Ballroom A
3600 Politics of Safety
Comparative Politics of Developing Areas
Mobilizing to Prevent Election Violence: Evidence from Kenya
Megan Turnbull, University of Georgia

The Latest News from SPIA

February 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Dorian Philpot
January 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Caleb Bagley

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