SECoPA Nominations Call for Awards

Each year several awards are presented at the annual SECoPA meeting. The following awards are available. Please send your nominations to the appropriate contact by August 7, 2023. Self-nominations are acceptable.

Senator Peter B. Boorsma Award. Contact email: Dr. Kendra Stewart, [email protected]

Recognizes significant and established record of international activity and direct involvement in the exchange of international public administration theory and practices.

Kathryn E. Henley Distinguished Public Service Practitioner Award. Contact email:  Dr. Ileeia Smith, [email protected]

Recognizes sustained outstanding achievement in, and contributions to, public service and public administration through applied practice in the field. The committee will receive and assess nominations and will present the award at a scheduled luncheon or banquet event as part of the general SECoPA Conference. The award may be deferred if the committee determines that none of the submitted nominations meet the criteria or merit presentation of the award.

Donato J. Pugliese Award. Contact email: Dr. Megan Streams, [email protected]

Recognizes a senior SECoPA member who has made contributions to SECoPA and to the profession of public service.

Robert Kline Award. Contract email: Dr. John Peter Topinka, [email protected]

Recognizes the most outstanding paper written by a master’s student enrolled at a school within the SECoPA region.

Morris W.H. Collins Award. Contact email: Dr. Dallas Breen, [email protected]

Recognizes the most outstanding paper written by a doctoral student enrolled at a school within the SECoPA region.

SECoPA Award for Outstanding Equity Research. Contract email: Dr. Ed Kellough, [email protected]

Any manuscript delivered at the annual SECoPA conference is eligible for this award, provided it addresses a core aspect of equity as its central focus. This might include social equity, race, gender, or class-based equity, income equity, geographical equity, and so on. Authors may include faculty scholars, students, practitioners, or any combination thereof. In order to be eligible for this award, contenders must submit their proposal and be invited to present during the annual conference. To receive the award, the author or at least one co-author of the winning paper must register and attend the SECoPA conference, present the paper, and attend the awards function where the award is presented (normally a luncheon). Papers must be self-selected into consideration by their authors by submitting the full manuscript to the evaluation committee following published guidelines on the conference website at a date to precede the conference by approximately six weeks following the process guidelines set out below.

Call for Papers

Governing For a Resilient Future

 SECoPA 2023 is now accepting proposals for presentations at the annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, Wednesday, September 27 through Saturday, September 30, 2023.  Since 1969, the Southeast Conference for Public Administration has been the home of public administration research and dialogue for the ten state southeast region.

Governing for a resilient future is the theme for SECoPA 2023. Governments and non-profit organizations in the southeast region and around the globe are adopting new strategies and management approaches to address pressing public policy and management challenges. Public administration research and scholarship can illuminate paths to improve the quality of governance, the equity of program implementation and service delivery, and the long-term social and ecological health of communities. The conference invites research presentations on a wide range of topics within the field of public administration and policy, and we urge potential participants to consider how their work contributes to a resilient future.

Atlanta, Georgia welcomes conference guests to the Atlanta Marriott Marquis (265 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta) for panel presentations, keynote speakers, and conference receptions that provide time for conversations about the role of public administration in a resilient future. Visit the conference website to learn more about conference amenities and sites to visit while visiting Georgia’s capital city.

The deadline for full consideration of proposals is May 15.  To submit your proposal, visit the SECoPA 2023 website or use this direct link to the proposal submission form. We welcome research presentation proposals on a wide range of topics within the field of public administration and policy, including, but not limited to:

  • Public and Nonprofit Leadership
  • Organizational Theory and Management
  • Public Personnel Management
  • Communications and Public Engagement
  • Collaborative Governance
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Public Service
  • Environmental Policy and Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
  • State Policy Adoption and Implementation
  • City and Local Government Management
  • Public Budgeting and Finance

SECoPA 2023 is co-hosted by the University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, and the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.

Acceptances are currently being released by email on a rolling basis.

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