SPIA Alumnus Shalin Jyotishi Attends World Economic Forum

SPIA Alumnus Shalin Jyotishi Attends World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is an economic summit that has ignited economic ideas, global initiatives, historic shifts, industry breakthroughs, economic ideas have stemmed from this event dating back almost 50 years. IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, Xi Jingping, Will.i.am, and other influencing voices virtually gathered to identify avenues to address the most significant challenges our world is facing.

Of the 2000 world leaders and global shapers attending the World Economic Forum, Shalin Jyotishi was selected as one of the 50 young people to attend the event. During this time, Jyotishi was part of a group that founded a new action tank focused on elevating youth voices in artificial intelligence decisions and the potential to transform the working environment.

During his time at the University of Georgia, Jyotishi researched university board members and corporate relations regarding policies by which technologies are contracted out. This project served as a foundation for his career path leading to roles involved with land grant institutions, artificial intelligence within higher education, and better preparing students for the workforce.

Jyotishi emphasized the supportive leaders and engagement opportunities he experienced during his time in Athens. He found a passion for elevating the visibility of the University’s impact on communities from agricultural advancements in Tifton to Skidaway research to the service of the Carl Vinson Institute.

“This is why universities are important,” Jyotishi said. He specifically mentioned Dr. Bullock’s Southern Politics class, describing it as “transformative – a capstone to my college experience.”

These foundational experiences created a path for Shalin that he didn’t expect as he initially intended to go to dental school. He is currently a researcher and writer for the think tank New America that focuses on problem solving of higher education to connect with technology.

Jyotishi emphasized the ever changing technological environment and how higher education institutions can better utilize it to enhance student experiences, graduate qualifications, and community impact to ultimately fulfill the mission. His work focuses on how universities and colleges can prepare students for careers and an evolving job environment while also ensuring jobs are well suited for graduates.

In Shalin’s office hangs a Teddy Roosevelt saying, “The greatest gift life has to offer is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing.” This simplifies his standards and values within his work to enhance higher education through technology and modernized opportunities.

Jyotishi advises others to use practical and pragmatic tools that are applicable everyday. His formative strategy has been self-actualization, specifically with the Japanese saying “ikigai” as a foundational reminder to align his passion with his skills and abilities.

“You find reason for being – your personal mission to maximize your potential and experiences.” Jyotishi emphasized.

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