SPIA alumnus, Joshua Jones, is the president and CEO of Red Clay Communications, an Atlanta-based firm that advised the Dave Brat campaign for the Virginia Republican Primary. The highly publicized defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is a “warning bell for GOP”, according to the article in Newsmax. “Folks are looking at issues that are most important to them and are voting that way at the polls,” said Joshua Jones. “Showing the fact that he had worked so closely with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama on a number of issues really resonated with the voters.” Brat won 55.4 percent of the vote to Cantor’s 44.6 percent. Cantor, 51, was first elected to the House in 2000 and was considered a successor to House Speaker John Boehner should Boehner decide to retire after the November elections. Brat, 49, who holds a doctorate in economics from American University and a master’s of divinity from Princeton Theological University, faces Democrat Jack Trammell on Nov. 4. Trammell is an administrator and associate sociology professor, also at Randolph-Macon.