Congratulations to Courtney Yarbrough, a UGA MPA alumna and soon-to-be PhD graduate, on accepting an offer from Emory University Rollins School of Public Health! Courtney was selected to be a part of an elite group of assistant professors called the Rollins Assistant Professors for Health Policy and Management. Rollins Assistant Professors are funded by the Rollins Endowment that provides financial support for her position and benefits.
Courtney has written several appears on pharmaceutical policies that have been accepted for publication at peer-reviewed journals. In 2015, Courtney won the Public Health Systems Research Student Scholarship from AcademyHealth in recognition of her commitment to and potential for contributing to health services research and health policy. Additionally, Dr. David Bradford and Mrs. Yarbrough were awarded a $150,000 grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study the impacts of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on the pain outcomes of Medicare beneficiaries. Congratulations!