As part of International Education Month, Public Administration and Policy is celebrating some of our outstanding international students. Meet Kyoung-cheol (Casey) Kim.
Kyoung-cheol (Casey) Kim from Seoul, South Korea is a second-year doctoral student in Public Administration and Policy. He is committed to studying the impacts of AI on governmental structuring and functioning. His peer-reviewed publications have been featured in leading theory-building journals in the field such as Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, and Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, a special edition of experimental research. His proceedings from the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics have been published as well. Kyoung-cheol has also co-authored a book chapter of the Oxford Handbook of AI Governance, which will be printed in 2022.
Most recently, Kyoung-cheol published a technical report on cutting-edge US AI policies and related frameworks, working with US federal officials. Last summer, he presented his first solo-authored paper at the Academy of Management conference doctoral student dissertation consortium. While he moves forward to publish solo-authored papers in leading journals in the field, he also has co-authored under-review papers including ones undergoing the revision and resubmission processes at Perspectives on Public Management and Governance (corresponding author), Data and Policy, and Public Administration Review.