Keith L. Dougherty | |||||||
Professor | |||||||
Research: American Politics | |||||||
Collective Action under the Articles of Confederation, New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2001. "Congressional Apportionment and The Fourteenth Amendment," (working paper). "Success at the Constitutional Convention," with Aaron Hitefield, (working paper). "Electing the President: A monte carlo study of plurality rule and the electoral college,"(working paper). "Creating Parties in Congress: The Emergence of a Social Network," Political Research Quarterly, (forthcoming).
"Slavery in the Constitution: Why the Lower South Occassionally Succeeded at the Constitutional Convention," Political Research Quarterly, (forthcoming).
"Coalitional Instability and the Three-Fifths Compromise," with Gordon Ballingrud, American Journal of Political Science, 2018, 62(4): 861-72. "The Consistency of James Madison's Politics," with Robert Cooper, American Political Thought, 2017, 6(2), 201-227.
"Partisan Agenda Control and the Dimensionality of Congress," with Michael Lynch and Tony Madonna, American Politics Review, 2014, 42(4): 600-27. "A Spatial Analysis of Delegate Voting at the Constitutional Convention," with Jac Heckelman, Journal of Economic History, 2013, 73(2): 407-44. "Constitutional Change and American Pivotal Politics," with Justin Moeller, American Political Research, 2012, 40(6): 1092-1120. "A New Dataset of Delegate Positions on all Substantive Roll Calls at the U.S. Constitutional Convention, with Jac Heckelman, Paul Carlsen, and David Gelman, Historical Methods, 2012, 45(3): 135-141. "Majority Rule versus Supermajority Rules: Their Effects on Narrow and Broad Taxes," with Jac Heckelman, Public Finance Review, 2010, 38 (6): 738-61. "Personalty Interests at the Constitutional Convention: New Tests of the Beard Thesis," with Jac Heckelman, Cliometrica, 2010, 4 (2): 207-228. "Odd or Even: Assembly Size and Majority Rule," with Julian Edward, Journal of Politics, 2009, 71(2): 733-47. "An Empirical Test of Federalist and Anti-Federalist Theories of State Contributions, 1775-1783," Social Science History, 2009, 33(1): 47-74.
"Voting on Slavery at the Constitutional Convention," with Jac Heckelman, Public Choice, 2008, 136 (3-4): 293-313.
"An Economic Interpretation of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Revisited," with Jac Heckelman, The Journal of Economic History, 2007, 67(4): 829-48. "A Pivotal Voter from a Pivotal State: Roger Sherman at the Constitutional Convention," with Jac Heckelman, American Political Science Review, 2006, 100(2): 297-302. "Suppressing Shays' Rebellion: Collective Action and Constitutional Design under the Articles of Confederation," with Michael Cain, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 1999, 11(2): 233-260. "Public Goods and Private Interests: An explanation for state compliance with federal requisitions, 1775-1789," in Jac Heckelman et. al. eds. Public Choice Interpretations of American Economic History. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1999. "Marginal cost sharing and the Articles of Confederation," with Michael Cain, Public Choice, 1997, 90: 201-213. |
Last Modified: 6/1/20 | |||||||
Keith L. Dougherty | Department of Political Science | SPIA | University of Georgia |