By Paul Welch

The Department of International Affairs recently opened several new courses on Athena for the fall term:

INTL 1100H “Introduction to Global Issues (Honors)” 9:30-10:45 TTH in Candler 214 with Ms. Fisher (no prerequisites, open only to honor students)

INTL 3200 “Introduction to International Relations” 8:00-9:15 TTH in Baldwin 307 with Ms. Mobley (pre-requisite of POLS 1101 or INTL 1100 and open to all students). This course exploes the practices and problems of international politics in a global context, e.g., power, ideology, diplomacy, war, international organization and law, international economics, and the nature of independence in an interdependent world.

INTL 4230 “International Political Economy” 9:05-9:55 MWF in Journalism 501 with Mr. Bagwell (pre-requisite of INTL 3200 or INTL 3300 and open to all students). IPE looks at the political foundations in international economic relations, including foreign investment, international monetary relations, trade issues, and economic sanctions. IPE is considered a “foundational” area of knowledge in the field.

INTL 4640 “European Union” 11:15-12:05 MWF in Fine Arts 201 with Ms. Sanders (pre- or co-requisite with INTL 3200 or INTL 3300 and open to all students). This course looks at the historical origins, development, and current challenges of the European Union: the impact on national sovereignty, external relations, and internal democracy.

INTL 3200, 4230, and 4640 all apply to the major and minor in political science!

These courses are ready for registration as are many other INTL courses which have seats available on Athena.