As a graduate student in SPIA, there are multiple ways to stay involved.

American Founding Group

The American Founding Group at the University of Georgia studies the origins of the American republic from a variety of scholarly perspectives, reviewing studies from the disciplines of political science, political theory, history, law, and economics, among others. Our group meets monthly to critique and discuss works from John Locke to Pauline Maier in an effort to broaden our understanding of the American founding and its effects on liberty.  We occasionally invite guest scholars to participate and provide an invaluable service reading and critiquing the research of our members.  Membership is open to those who want to learn more about the American founding and are willing to spend the time to read outside of their regular classes.

For more information, click here.

Doctoral Students for Public Administration


Brianna Yoder, President

For more information, please contact Brianna Yoder [email protected]

Georgia Students for Public Administration

The Georgia Students for Public Administration (GSPA) strive to help all students of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia build social and academic networks during and after their tenure at the University. By fostering friendship and by integrating socially and academically our diverse student body, we hope to encourage students not just to learn their chosen profession but also to form lasting bonds with their peers, faculty, staff, and community


Delicia James, President

Sarah Potter, Treasurer

Damla Williams, Inclusion & Outreach Chair

Julianna Isbitts, Policy Competition Chair

Stay up to date with what’s going on with GSPA and more ways to get involved on their Facebook page.

Graduate Student Association at the School of Public and International Affairs

The Graduate Student Association at the School of Public & International Affairs (SPIA GSA) is primarily concerned with the interests and representation of graduate students across all departments at SPIA. We are a collective of students from Political Science, International Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration who are invested in collaboration across departments. Our activities include bringing in experts to share with all students and faculty at SPIA, surveying student interests and elevating graduate student voices in SPIA decision-making processes, and organizing social events to promote inclusivity at SPIA.

Contact: [email protected] 

Graduate Students in Political Science & International Affairs


President: Tara Trask
Social Chair: Matt Bufford
Occasional Lackey: Steven Walter

Stay up to date with what’s going on with GSPSIA on their Facebook page.

Government Finance Officers Association (UGA Chapter)

GFOA is a professional organization for public finance officials at any level of government in the US and Canada. GFOA’s mission is to advance excellence in public finance. There are more than 20,000 members in the association, and each member has access to best practice guidance, consulting, networking opportunities, publications (including books, e-books, and periodicals), recognition programs, research, and training opportunities for those in the profession (or looking to go into the profession). The University of Georgia is honored to host the third student chapter of GFOA. There are no annual dues, and each chapter member will get a free membership to GFOA for the first year. The Georgia Government Finance Officers Association is the state chapter of GFOA and is also offering  a free one-year membership to the GFOA-UGA Chapter members.  Meetings will be held throughout the year to help students access all of that GFOA has to offer, teach, and connect.

GFOA Chapter Officers (2021-2022)

Jade Fortiner, President
Alexis Parkes, Vice President

Faculty Advisers

Tracy Arner, Financial Management Program Manager – Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Katherine Willoughby, Golembiewski Professor of Public Administration

2021 Fall Meetings
Meetings will be conducted monthly over Zoom

Learn more about GFOA at their website

For questions or event information, please contact Jade Fortiner at [email protected]

International City/County Management Association (UGA Chapter)

The University of Georgia is proud to host a local student chapter of ICMA, the International City/County Management Association. ICMA is the leading organization of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world. UGA’s ICMA Student Chapter charges no annual dues and is open to any student who would like to pursue their interest in local government.

The purpose of this organization is to:

  1. Introduce and integrate students to the local government management profession.
  2. Familiarize students with ICMA, the premier local government management association, its members, resources, and policies.
  3. Establish connections between local government management theories, practices, and applications through tangible and actual examples.
  4. Cultivate a learning community where members actively share experiences and learn from one another.
  5. Provide resources and opportunities for students to increase their professional knowledge with local government practitioners.

ICMA Officers (2022-2023)
Will Brooks, President
Rushabh Patel, Finance Chair
Kati Tanner, Events Co-Chair
Margaret Kijinski, Events Co-Chair
Harshika Mehta, Communications Chair
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Eric Zeemering

2022 Fall Meetings:

You can follow the UGA Chapter of ICMA on Facebook or on Instagram.
For questions contact: [email protected]

SPIA Honor Society of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

The SPIA Honor Society of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity is a student organization that is open to both undergraduate and graduate students! We plan on hosting a speaker series, professional development workshops, and create a mentorship program. This is an all student-led organization that will not be treated as a solution for the racist and problematic behavior of the university or SPIA. Instead, our mission is to be an on-going vehicle for change that students and faculty can come together for a better student body. Please use the link below to follow all our social media platforms!


Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN)

The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN) at UGA is dedicated to activating the next generation of emerging leaders in the social sector who are currently students at the University of Georgia to fulfill our vision of stronger communities supported by a diverse and powerful social sector. Through networking, volunteering, general meetings, speaker series, and various other opportunities we connect our members to professionals in the social sector and their organizations.

YNPN Officers 2021-2022

Adrianna Watson, President
Francis Oliver, Vice President
Quierah Caldwell, Treasurer
Christina Joseph, Social Media Coordinator

Stay up to date with what’s going on with YNPN at UGA on their Instagram page. New Members fill the membership form. To sign-up for YNPN upcoming events, visit the events registration page. Contact YNPN via email at: [email protected]

The Latest News from SPIA

March 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Cammi Rogers
Robby Witwer, Leader On & Off the Ice

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Mar 12