Empowering the next generation of public service professionals

The MPA program at the University of Georgia strives to be a leader in educating and inspiring students for managerial and analytical careers in public service. Through instruction by leading scholars, engagement with policy and management problems in the field, and service opportunities within the community, MPA students are prepared for professional careers in government and the non-profit sector, advancing the values of ethics, accountability, and inclusion in democratic governance.

The mission is fulfilled by educating and inspiring students for careers in management, administration, and policy analysis in government and nonprofit organizations domestically and abroad.  The program produces leaders with a wide range of analytic, communicative, and managerial abilities to meet the demands of contemporary public and nonprofit sectors.  The MPA curriculum encourages within students the development of the intellectual capacities and professional skills necessary for the successful performance of critical public service jobs.  The program accomplishes these goals by contributing to the advancement of the public administration and policy field through teaching, research, and public service.  The program also creates an awareness of and sensitivity to ethical concerns and accountability issues within the public service arena.

Public Service Values

The program’s dedication to public values permeates all teaching, curriculum, and conduct of students and faculty.  This predominance originates from our mission statement, which emphasizes the following values that distinguish MPA programs from other graduate offerings:

Accountability, Transparency, and Ethical Considerations
Our mission statement specifically identifies the importance of an awareness of ethical concerns and accountability in the public service arena, so the Department operates according to these values.  The Department’s emphasis on accountability, inclusiveness, and transparency ensure all stakeholders are considered and informed of the processes and outcomes of the program.

Professional Competency and Service to the Public Good
The program emphasizes the necessity of professional skills and intellectual capacities to ensure students are capable of serving in government and nonprofits as leaders exemplifying critical thinking, fairness, and decisiveness.  Students are trained in analytic, communicative, and managerial skills that will enable them to become productive public leaders who involve all stakeholders, utilize fact-based evidence to make decisions objectively, and execute public initiatives for the welfare of others.

Upholding Democratic Principles of Equity, Due Process, and Representativeness
Students are trained to appreciate the importance of efficiency and effectiveness in executing public initiatives while maintaining a respect for the rule of law.  The program curriculum focuses on the unique concerns and challenges faced by today’s public administration and policy leaders, such as diversity and equity concerns, distinctive bureaucratic processes, and serving a variety of stakeholders and constituents.

Curriculum Overview

A total of 41 semester credit hours are needed for the completion of the MPA program. A mandatory socialization sequence and five core courses introduce the student to the various fields of public administration and the economic foundations of public policy. In addition, two required courses in research methods assist students in developing a familiarity with quantitative techniques in public decision making. Students must also select six courses from a number of available elective specializations to complete their degree. Students attending full-time can expect to complete the program in two years (four semesters).

The following provides an outline of the MPA Curriculum:

1. MPA Socialization Seminar (1 semester credit hour)

  • PADP 6980 Socialization Seminar

2. Public Management Core (15 semester credit hours)

  • PADP 6910 Public Administration and Democracy
  • PADP 6920 Public Personnel Administration
  • PADP 6930 Public Financial Administration
  • PADP 6950 Economic Foundations of Policy Analysis
  • PADP 6960 Public Management

3. Research Methods Sequence (6 semester credit hours)

  • PADP 7110 Research Methods in Public Administration
  • PADP 7120 Data Applications in Public Administration

4. Elective Courses (18 semester credit hours)

5. Internship 

6. Capstone Paper and Portfolio (1 semester credit hour)

  • PADP 6990 Capstone Paper and Portfolio
Internship Requirement

Before graduating, the student must complete a public service internship and submit a paper on the experience. Internships must be completed at a public sector government agency or nonprofit organization that is non-partisan and non-sectarian in scope. This requirement helps to ensure that the degree candidate can perform responsibly and proficiently at a professional or managerial level. Additionally, the internship provides students with an experiential basis for linking their coursework to their future careers as public service professionals. Students must intern for a minimum of 300 hours at the same agency. Students will not receive course credit for completing an internship and cannot count as an internship any experience for which they received course credit. Students have completed internships in a wide variety of federal, state, and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations. For examples of specific locations, please visit our Career Services website. If you are interested in learning more about internships through the SPIA Emerging Leaders Program check out the qualifications here.

Most positions with a government agency or a non-profit organization will meet the internship requirement for the MPA Program, but formal approval by the department is required. Internship placements for 2022/23 include a wide range of government and non-profit organizations, including the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the Forsythe (GA) County Government, Extra-Special People, Partnership Gwinnett, Energy Alabama, and many other organizations listed here. Prior to starting the internship, please submit the Internship Approval Form via drop box on ELC Career Services page. Include all necessary information needed before submitting for approval.

Two weeks prior to completing their internship, students should complete the Internship Exit Interview Form with their supervisor and submit via the drop box on ELC Career Services page. Information, like the start and end date, should match the previously submitted approval form. Any questions, please contact Tara Lamb, MPA Career Services Coordinator at [email protected] at 706-542-9583.

Students with prior successful experience in a position at a professional or managerial level at a government agency or nonprofit may seek a waiver from the internship requirement. Students desiring such an exemption should complete the Internship Waiver Form and submit it to the MPA Career Services Coordinator, justifying the waiver. They will decide whether the applicant’s experience meets departmental requirements. Students who must complete an internship should consult with the MPA Career Services and Recruitment Assistant Director, who will assist the student in arranging to satisfy the requirement.


See the Capstone Paper and Portfolio Information Document for details on this requirement.

Fields of Study

A student may choose either to specialize in a single specific area of study or to complete a generalist degree. Areas of specialization include the following:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Health Policy and Administration
  • Higher Education Administration
  • International Policy and Administration
  • Local Government Administration
  • Nonprofit Administration
  • Public Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Public Management/Organization Theory
  • Public Policy

To achieve a concentration in an area of specialization, an MPA student must take four courses in that area. To complete a generalist degree, students must choose a minimum of two courses from within at least two of the specified areas of specialization. The areas of specialization and a detailed listing of courses are referenced in the MPA Program Guide.

Independent Study courses are available for content not offered through a regularly scheduled course. The use of Independent Study courses to fulfill elective requirements is limited and permitted at the discretion of the MPA Program Director. To request enrollment in an Independent Study course, students must download and complete the appropriate form from the website and obtain signatures of the course instructor and the MPA Program Director.

Completion Rate and Placement

The MPA degree is designed to be a two-year program (four semesters total) for a full-time student. Of the 77 students who matriculated in the 2018-19 academic year, 55 percent (42 students) completed the degree in two years and 83 percent (64 students) graduated within three years, and 91 percent (70 students) graduated within 4 years, with a total of 94 (72 students) percent graduating and persisting to graduation.

Graduates of the MPA program have obtained administrative and management positions at all levels of government and in nonprofit agencies. For students graduating during the 2022-23 academic year, 94 percent reported employment in the field within six months of graduation. For this group of graduates, 58 percent went into public sector employment.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, job placement for our students who were employed within six months of graduation can be broken down as follows:

The MPA Career Services Coordinator assists students in the placement process. For examples of specific locations where our graduates have accepted employment, please visit our Career Services web page.

National Recognition

Over the past several decades, UGA has become a major center of excellence for public service education. A recent study in the Journal of Public Administration Education ranked the UGA Public Administration and Policy faculty first in the nation in research published in scholarly journals associated with the American Society for Public Administration. The most recent survey from the U.S News & World Report (2025 edition) ranked the Georgia MPA program as a #4 program nationally. The program is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.

MPA Advisory Board

The MPA Advisory Board, composed of public service professionals from government and nonprofit organizations, helps in evaluating curriculum needs and setting standards and goals. Members of the Board also serve as important resource contacts for internship and employment opportunities.  The current 2023-2024 MPA Advisory Board members are:

  • Lori Atkinson – U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • Harrison Daniel – Athens-Clarke County Police Department
  • Spencer Frye – Athens Area Habitat for Humanity and State Representative District 118
  • Amelia Hines Dortch – U.S. Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Jestin Johnson – IBM
  • Shayla Lee – City of Sugar Land, Texas
  • Mercy Montgomery – City of Chamblee, Georgia
  • Caroline Paris Paczkowski – UGA School of Public and International Affairs
  • Tiffany Payne – UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Ted Pestorius – U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Joan Prittie – Project Safe Inc.
  • Tracie Sanchez – Georgia Department of Economic Development
  • Zane Seals – State of Tennessee, Division of TennCare
  • David Tanner – UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government
  • Annelise Wornat – U.S. Department of the Treasury

*denotes new member for 2023-2024

The Latest News from SPIA

February 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Dorian Philpot
January 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Caleb Bagley

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