Celebrating International Student Aashna Monga

Celebrating International Student Aashna Monga

We are continuing to celebrate International Education Week by celebrating our international students!

Please meet MPA student Aashna Monga:

Aashna was born and raised in the capital city of India, New Delhi. She was an economics major as an undergraduate and pursued the Young India Fellowship, a one-year interdisciplinary program in liberal studies. She has over three years of work experience in the Indian social impact sector, where she worked closely with multiple businesses, non-profit organizations, and state governments to design and implement various programs and achieve lasting impact on the ground. She joined UGA this fall to pursue her MPA and is currently working as a graduate assistant at SPIA. Within three months of moving to Athens, she has had immense exposure to policymaking in the USA and the globe, through close interactions with academics, researchers, and industry experts who work across all sectors and domains. Additionally, her graduate assistantship and inter-departmental interactions with professors and researchers have given her the opportunity for collaborations at various levels.

Aashna’s goal is to leverage what she learns from the MPA program to build her capacity as a researcher and undertake evidence-based policy research. In the future, she aims to develop affordable, accessible, and sustainable community driven interventions on economic and social policy.


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