Mar 2020
On March 4th, 2020 the Founder of the Volcker Alliance, Shelley Metzenbaum, gave a lecture on government accountability titled:
“Accountability: What Does It Mean, Constructively Managing It, and Avoiding the Blame and Claim Game”
Before the lecture, Dr. Metzenbaum sat down with MPA students for coffee and conversation. Students had an opportunity to discuss with Dr. Metzenbaum some of the questions and topics they had on their mind about government accountability.
After the lecture, everyone was welcomed to a reception in the Special Collections Library.
The Getzen Lecture on Government Accountability is made possible by UGA alumni Katherine Getzen Willoughby (PhD ‘91) and Dan Hall Willoughby Jr. (JD ‘86) in honor of her parents, Evangeline Sferes Getzen and Forrest William Getzen, lifelong advocates for public service and education.