Chart your path through the MPA program

MPA students come from diverse backgrounds and fields of study. Each year, 65-70 students begin their path to earning their MPA. Visit the MPA student profiles for more information about current students. The Department of Public Administration & Policy is committed to providing an exceptional experience for all of our current students. From landing a position after graduation to registering for classes, our staff is here to help.

Career Services

Academic Advising & Registration

New students receive academic advising during the orientation period at the beginning of their first term. Continuing students are advised typically during October and March of each academic year. Online registration using the UGA ATHENA system occurs after advising.

The department notifies students by e-mail when sign-up begins. If your UGA e-mail account is not your primary account, please ensure that your UGA e-mail is forwarded to your primary account. Because many of our students are working professionals, we also offer appointments on Zoom or by phone.

Advising FAQs


The Graduate School enforces the following registration guidelines:

  • Students who receive an assistantship and/or a tuition waiver must register for a minimum of 12 hours in the fall and spring. Such students who choose to enroll during the summer and maintain the waiver must register for at least nine hours.
  • Students must be registered for at least three hours during the term in which they complete degree requirements.
  • Students pursuing graduate degrees at UGA must maintain continuous enrollment from matriculation until completion of all degree requirements. Continuous enrollment is defined as registering for a minimum of three (3) credits in at least two semesters per year (Fall, Spring, Summer) until the degree is attained.
  • Students may apply for leave of absence for well-documented causes that interfere with the ability to undertake graduate study. An approved leave of absence stands in lieu of registering for the minimum of three credits for each semester for which the leave of absence is granted.
  • Students who fail to achieve continuous enrollment, or apply for a leave of absence, will become “inactive,” and must reapply for admission.
  • If it becomes necessary to add a class after the established deadline for registration, the MPA Program Director may approve a request for late registration within a reasonable amount of time. Specific guidelines for this process are available on the Bursar’s website.


Students must arrange independent study courses directly with individual professors and then submit an independent study form to Kristin Lawrence in Baldwin Hall (email: [email protected], phone: 706/542-3510). Independent study courses will not be authorized if a student can take the same course in a conventional format in this department or another department on campus. Please check the complete listing of UGA courses before seeking an independent study course. For a list of suggested courses by specialization, see the “Electives” section of the MPA Program Guide.
Independent Study Form


Approval must be obtained from the MPA Director if you plan to take an elective that is not listed on the curriculum guide. If permission of department is required for a class outside of the department, contact the graduate coordinator of the home department of the course you plan to take. For a list of suggested courses by specialization, see the “Electives” section of the MPA Program Guide.

100 Hour of Service Award

In accordance with its core value of public service, the Department of Public Administration and Policy encourages all of its students to complete 100 hours of service before graduation. Completing 100 hours of service during your time in the MPA program is something to celebrate. To acknowledge this accomplishment, students are awarded a certificate at our Spring GSPA Student Banquet.

Our department is also an Official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, established after 9/11 to encourage service through presidential gratitude and national recognition. Students who complete at least 100 Hours of service in one calendar year will also receive a signed letter and certificate of recognition from the President of the United States, along with a custom made lapel pin.

Here are the general rules for this challenge:

  1. All volunteer work must be documented, approved by the point person from the agency/group you completed the volunteer work for, and recorded with Aaron Redman (Volunteer Hours Form).
  2. Any work for which you are receiving course credit or completing the required 300 hour internship does not count.
  3. Any work for which you are paid does not count.
  4. Any work that is a requirement of your employment does not count.

Those meeting this challenge will be the proud recipient of a custom-made lapel pin as well as a certificate of accomplishment, both of which will be awarded at an event* proudly honoring each deserving recipient.

Finally, the limitation on the 100 hour challenge does not necessarily end at 100 hours or with your graduation from the MPA program! This challenge is just the beginning of what will hopefully be a lifetime of public service.

*If you qualify and would like the President’s service award to be presented to you at the celebration event, you must turn in your completed volunteer hours form at least 4 weeks before graduation. Otherwise, the award may need to be mailed to you after graduation.

Course Schedules

For current, past, and upcoming course schedules, click the link below.

Course Schedule

The MPA Socialization Seminar is a three-day event structured to orient new students to the MPA program, Department, University, and Athens community.

MPA students are required to attend all sessions, and will receive 1 hour of academic credit in Fall semester, required for graduation. Attendance will be taken at all scheduled events.

Learn More About Orientation

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January 2025 MPA Student of the Month: Caleb Bagley

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