Associate Professor of Political Science

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Website

I am currently an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Georgia. I was previously an Associate Professor of Government at Hamilton College between July 2012 and July 2022. I received my doctorate in Political Science from Vanderbilt University in 2012. My research interests include American institutions, judicial politics, executive branch politics, and judicial diversity. I also have interests in race and politics. I have taught courses on American Government, Courts and Judicial Process, Bureaucracy, the American Presidency, and the Politics of Equality.

  • PhD, Vanderbilt University, Political Science
  • MA, Vanderbilt University, Political Science
  • BA, Georgia State University, Political Science
Areas of Expertise
  • American Politics
  • Judicial Politics
  • Executive Branch Politics
  • Government Transparency
  • Political Theory
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
  • 1963 Excellence in Teaching Award, 2020 Hamilton College
Selected Publications

2023, Johnson, Gbemende E. and Tracey E. George. “To Preserve, Release, and Litigate: Dimensions of Executive Branch Transparency.” Presidential Studies Quarterly
2023, Johnson, Gbemende E. “Government Transparency and Judicial Deference: An Outcomes-Based Overview of Freedom of Information Act Litigation in the U.S. Supreme Court,” in Research Handbook of Law and Political Systems, eds. Robert Howard, Kirk Randazzo, and Rebecca Reid. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
2023, Johnson, Gbemende E. “How Did the Civil War Amendments Change the U.S. Constitution?,” in The U.S. Constitution in Five
, eds. David Klein and Joseph L. Smith. United Kingdom: Equinox
2023, Johnson, Gbemende E. “The Judicial System of the USA.” (with Sidney Shank and Yao Yao), in The USA and Canada 2024
26th edition, edited by Dominic Heaney. London: Routledge