Call for Participants for University Research Program


Call for Participants for University Research Program in Public Administration and Policy


The University of Georgia (UGA) (in the United States) and the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) (in Tbilisi) seek university faculty members and advanced doctoral students for a training program in public administration and policy research. Scholars from all disciplines in the social sciences with interests in these areas are encouraged to apply.


Selected participants will work closely with internationally recognized faculty members from the United States to enhance their research skills with the goal of publishing their research in peer-reviewed academic journals in public administration and public policy. All instruction will be in English.


This one-year program will consist of:

  • One month of intensive seminars in Tbilisi in July 2018, focusing on research methods, developing a research project plan, and conducting and publishing academic research.
  • Remote coaching, mentoring and assistance from UGA faculty as participants conduct research projects and write-up their research for publication.
  • A five-day, in-person workshop in December 2018 for participants to formally present their research and receive detailed feedback.
  • Review of participants’ full manuscripts by UGA faculty members prior to submission for publication.


At the conclusion of the program, participants will be expected to submit their research to internationally recognized peer-reviewed academic journals for publication. The program is cost-free to participants, who will receive a stipend to offset transportation and logistical costs associated with the program.



Participants will receive a stipend of 500 U.S. Dollars to offset transportation and logistical costs incurred as a result of participating in the program. Half of the stipend (250 USD) will be paid at the completion of the July portion of the program, and half will be paid at the conclusion of the session in December. Receipt of the stipend will depend upon the quality a student’s participation and performance in the program.


To Apply for the Program

Please send a current CV and a one-page expression of interest to Dr. J. Edward Kellough, Department of Public Administration and Policy, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA at [email protected]. Space is limited so applications should be submitted as soon as possible to assure full consideration.


Additional details of the program follow below:


July Seminars

Participants will begin their training with a series of intensive seminars taught by UGA faculty members at the GIPA campus in Tbilisi over four weeks in July 2018:

WeekDatesSeminar Topics
Week 1 & 22–6, 9–13 July 2018·       Research Design & The Logic of Social Inquiry (late afternoon)

·       Applied Statistics (evening)

Week 316–20 July 2018·       Small thematic groups (evening)


Week 423–27 July 2018·       Starting and Managing Research Projects (late afternoon)

·       Academic Writing and Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Publications (evening)



During the third week, participants will work in small thematic groups with a UGA faculty member to develop their research interests. These small groups will review relevant academic theory, potential publication outlets, develop research project plans. These small groups could focus on the following themes, although student interests will determine the specific topics covered:


  • Fiscal Reforms and Financial Management
  • Personnel and Civil Service Reform
  • Performance Management
  • Domestic and Subnational Politics and Policy, with an emphasis on Environment and Health


Following the July seminars, participants will continue to interact with UGA faculty mentors through e-mail and/or Skype to identify, design, and conduct a research project building on the knowledge and expertise gained during the summer seminars.


Presentation of Research

In December 2018, the thematic groups will meet with the UGA faculty in-person at GIPA to formally present their research. During this five-day workshop, participants will receive detailed feedback from the UGA faculty as well as other experts working in the thematic area.


Following the December 2018 workshop, participants will continue to receive coaching and mentoring from the UGA faculty through e-mail and/or Skype.


Submission of Manuscripts

In April 2019, participants will electronically submit a full manuscript of their research to the UGA faculty for review. Based on these reviews, participants will be expected to revise their manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed academic journals.


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