By Paul Welch

Another in a continuing (and apparently sporadic) series of blog posts about good elective choices. Here we have a class from the Grady College of Journalism concerning digital – or new – media. You might have noticed that we’re offering POLS 4550 “Government & Mass Media,” POLS 4790 a special topics course on “Political Propaganda,” and a new course INTL 4665 “Global Politics & Digital Media” in the fall. This might be a nice compliment to any of those three courses.

NMIX 2020 Intro to New Media (CRN 84292) 2:30–3:20 p.m. MWF Dr. Scott Shamp Open to all UGA students – No prerequisites

Should you sell your car and just rely on Uber?

How does MapMyRun follow you when you are moving so fast?

Is Spotify ruining your reputation on Facebook because you played that one ABBA song?

Can the NSA find out your Call of Duty score – and send you to Afghanistan?

Will the iPhone 9 really involve a medical implant?

If these are the kind of questions that keep you up at night, you need to enroll in NMIX 2020 Intro to New Media. In Fall 2014 we will dig into the powerful new technologies that have transformed (complicated/enhanced/devastated) our lives.  And your big project for the semester will call upon your newfound knowledge to envision technology that can make Athens an even better place to live.