by Anney Woodard
This past spring semester, I participated in the UGA at Oxford study abroad program. The experience was unforgettable. I had the opportunity to learn in the Oxford tutorial style, taking one on one courses in Spanish literature and international conflict. It was the most challenging time of my academic career, but one I would not give up for the world.
I made many new SPIA friends, and we spent our time exploring the historic town and its abundance of coffee shops, bookstores, and Harry Potter film sites. We studied in Oxford’s libraries, including the famous Bodleian Library, where we even saw a movie being filmed. On the weekends, we had the chance to travel to amazing places like London, Edinburgh and Paris.
I strongly encourage SPIA students to apply to the program, as it is definitely the opportunity of a lifetime. I grew as a student, person, and friend, and I know I will look back on my time in Oxford with great memories.